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Tolong bantuan kaskuser, ane kena dispute habis membeli balance paypal..
Tolong bantuan kaskuser, ane kena dispute habis membeli balance paypal..
Original Posted By BckL►gan, ane kena dispute paypai.. tolong bantu gan..
gini ceritanya..
Saya kan cari balance paypai .. kemudian saya nemu lapak ini
Setelah ngomong2 sebentar sama si seller, ane setuju kalau mau membeli $100 balance harga 930rb
karena berhubung rekber hari ini tutup, saya bilang besok saja transaksinya..
nah ternyata itu si seller langsung ngirim dana ke paypai ane.. saya otomatis transfer ke bca nya dia donk.. orang dia udah ngasi balance paypai ke saya kan saya jadi ga enak..
eh ternyata habis selang beberapa jam ada email yang bilang klo saldo saya negatif..
ini Conversation antara saya dan seller
11:49:36 AM
benson.claudeus: gan
11:49:55 AM
byu.sptr: ya
11:49:56 AM
benson.claudeus: itu balance paypai masih brp ?
11:50:20 AM
byu.sptr: perlunya brp?
11:50:31 AM
benson.claudeus: sekitar 100 dolar sih
11:50:36 AM
benson.claudeus: emg stocknya brp gan
11:50:46 AM
byu.sptr: silahkan proses ke rekber ya
11:50:58 AM
byu.sptr: stock pake cc bos..
11:51:20 AM
byu.sptr: brp aja bisa selama cc ane masih avail buat kirim...
11:51:29 AM
byu.sptr: limit cc ane 25jt
11:51:43 AM
byu.sptr: ane cuman mau jual 3jtan..dari pada gestun
11:51:53 AM
benson.claudeus: ratenya brp ya ? emg ga rugi kan rate dari credit card aja sampe 9700 an
11:52:08 AM
byu.sptr: rugi sih..
11:52:13 AM
byu.sptr: tapi BU gan..
11:52:30 AM
benson.claudeus: ok nanti kirimnya yg personal payment ya
11:52:34 AM
benson.claudeus: 100 dolar brp itu pasnya
11:53:20 AM
byu.sptr: 930rb
11:53:27 AM
byu.sptr: fee rekeber agan yang tanggung ya
11:53:31 AM
byu.sptr: email pnya apa?
11:53:40 AM
benson.claudeus: ok. benson.claudeus@yahoo.com
11:54:00 AM
byu.sptr: ok
11:54:26 AM
byu.sptr: pake rekber apa gan?
11:54:34 AM
byu.sptr: indo apa sanbank?
11:54:37 AM
benson.claudeus: indobank aj ya
11:54:43 AM
byu.sptr: siap
11:55:03 AM
benson.claudeus: eh gan ini minggu ya
11:55:05 AM
benson.claudeus: tutup wkwk
11:55:21 AM
byu.sptr: o iya..
11:55:23 AM
11:55:57 AM
benson.claudeus: besok aja brati..
IM Nov 18, 2012 12:13:50 PM
11:56:12 AM
byu.sptr: ok
11:56:16 AM
byu.sptr: id agan apa ya?
11:56:22 AM
benson.claudeus: BckL gan
11:57:21 AM
benson.claudeus: agak ngeri soalnya klo trans 900rb lebih
11:57:22 AM
benson.claudeus: haha
11:57:36 AM
byu.sptr: siap
12:02:13 PM
byu.sptr: cek saldo pp nya gan...
12:02:22 PM
benson.claudeus: loh bntr2
12:02:43 PM
benson.claudeus: waduh malah balancenya duluan
12:02:45 PM
benson.claudeus: no rek bca nya gan
12:02:47 PM
benson.claudeus: jadi sungkan gua
12:04:15 PM
benson.claudeus: udh masuk $100 gan.. ane minta no rek bcanya ya
12:06:19 PM
byu.sptr: gak punya bca gan...
12:06:23 PM
byu.sptr: bni punya nya
12:06:38 PM
benson.claudeus: walah ada temen yg punya bca ga gan ? saldo ane di bca soalnya
12:06:59 PM
byu.sptr: nati saya infokan ya...
12:07:09 PM
benson.claudeus: oke ditunggu gan
12:07:12 PM
benson.claudeus: sungkan beneran gw
12:07:16 PM
12:10:21 PM
benson.claudeus: bisa sih ini dari bca ke bni tapi takutnya nyampenya lama
12:10:35 PM
byu.sptr: nanti aja gan..
12:10:37 PM
byu.sptr: santai lah
12:11:05 PM
benson.claudeus: contact 08993989388 aja ya gan nanti klo dah dpt rek bca nya
12:11:14 PM
byu.sptr: siap
12:12:47 PM
benson.claudeus: emg ga ngeri gan kok malah balancenya duluan
12:13:29 PM
byu.sptr: kan ane dah nengok lapak agan...
12:13:32 PM
byu.sptr: piss ah..
12:13:42 PM
benson.claudeus: hahaha okok
12:13:47 PM
benson.claudeus: ditunggu kbrnya deh
12:13:50 PM
byu.sptr: siap
IM Nov 18, 2012 12:45:24 PM
12:34:32 PM
byu.sptr: 5000497489 an. imam gozali
12:34:38 PM
benson.claudeus: oke bntr
12:34:39 PM
byu.sptr: kabarin kalo dah transfer ya bos
12:36:29 PM
benson.claudeus: done.
12:38:11 PM
byu.sptr: maaf itu atas nama siapa ya? biar saya enak ceknya ketemen saya
12:38:18 PM
benson.claudeus: Benson Claudeus gan
12:38:23 PM
benson.claudeus: ane kasi detail balance PP kok
12:38:29 PM
byu.sptr: ok
12:39:35 PM
benson.claudeus: thanks a lot ya gan btw
12:41:22 PM
byu.sptr: ok
12:41:36 PM
byu.sptr: testi kalo gak keberatan ya gan
12:41:43 PM
benson.claudeus: minta link lapaknya ya
12:42:01 PM
byu.sptr: http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/50a85...rekber-welcome
12:43:53 PM
benson.claudeus: udh ane kasi testi gan
12:43:54 PM
benson.claudeus: thanks ya
12:45:09 PM
byu.sptr: thanks
12:45:14 PM
benson.claudeus: sipp
12:45:18 PM
benson.claudeus: klo butuh lagi ntr ane contact
12:45:19 PM
benson.claudeus: hehe
12:45:24 PM
byu.sptr: ok
Your Action is Requested
You have received a payment that we believe may not have been authorized by
the paypai account holder. Here are the details of the transaction we are
Transaction Details
Sender’s name: Azizah ,
Sender’s email: azizahcool19@yahoo.com
Transaction ID: 8F524095LK976921D
Transaction date: Nov 18, 2012
Transaction amount: $100,00 USD
Your transaction ID: 9E186388523867333
Case number: PP-002-078-659-622
We recommend that you don’t ship the item until our investigation is
complete. If you’ve already shipped the item, please log in to your paypai
account and go to the Resolution Center to provide the shipping details.
In order to continue our investigation, we need some additional information
from you.
Here’s how to provide us the information we need:
1. Log in to your paypai account.
2. Click “Resolution Center” near the top of the page.
3. Click "Resolve" in the Action column to view the information we need.
4. You can either fax or upload your documents to us.
You can fax your documents to us at: 0800 892-1557 atau 0800 892-1554
Please include a fax cover sheet that includes the email address registered
on your paypai account and your case ID number.
Here’s how to upload your documents:
1. Log in to your paypai account.
2. Click “Resolution Center” near the top of the page.
3. Find your case under "Resolution Center cases," then click "Resolve"
next to the request for documentation.
4. Click “Upload Files.”
5. Click “Browse” to find the file you want to send, and then click
6. Enter a title for the file.
7. Select the type of evidence, and then click “Attach This File.”
8. Attach any other files, and then click “Send Files to paypai.”
Please provide this information within 7 days.
This payment will remain on hold and unavailable to you until we complete
our investigation. We will email you when we complete our investigation.
Help Center:
Security Center:
Please do not reply to this email because we are not monitoring this inbox.
To get in touch with us, log in to your account and click "Contact Us" at
the bottom of any page.
Copyright © 2012 paypai Inc. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: paypai Pte Ltd, the Holder of the paypai™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the
terms and conditions:
paypai Email ID PP943
ym si penipu : byu.sptr
pertanyaan :
1. Gimana saya bisa memenangkan dispute ?
2. Dalam hal ini, Respon mana yang harus saya pilih dalam menyelesaikan dispute ?
Hadiah :
Bila saya bisa memenangkan dispute ini, saya bersedia memberikan 50rb kepada kaskuser yang membantu saya..
gini ceritanya..
Saya kan cari balance paypai .. kemudian saya nemu lapak ini
Setelah ngomong2 sebentar sama si seller, ane setuju kalau mau membeli $100 balance harga 930rb
karena berhubung rekber hari ini tutup, saya bilang besok saja transaksinya..
nah ternyata itu si seller langsung ngirim dana ke paypai ane.. saya otomatis transfer ke bca nya dia donk.. orang dia udah ngasi balance paypai ke saya kan saya jadi ga enak..
eh ternyata habis selang beberapa jam ada email yang bilang klo saldo saya negatif..
ini Conversation antara saya dan seller
Spoiler for Conversation:
11:49:36 AM
benson.claudeus: gan
11:49:55 AM
byu.sptr: ya
11:49:56 AM
benson.claudeus: itu balance paypai masih brp ?
11:50:20 AM
byu.sptr: perlunya brp?
11:50:31 AM
benson.claudeus: sekitar 100 dolar sih
11:50:36 AM
benson.claudeus: emg stocknya brp gan
11:50:46 AM
byu.sptr: silahkan proses ke rekber ya
11:50:58 AM
byu.sptr: stock pake cc bos..
11:51:20 AM
byu.sptr: brp aja bisa selama cc ane masih avail buat kirim...
11:51:29 AM
byu.sptr: limit cc ane 25jt
11:51:43 AM
byu.sptr: ane cuman mau jual 3jtan..dari pada gestun
11:51:53 AM
benson.claudeus: ratenya brp ya ? emg ga rugi kan rate dari credit card aja sampe 9700 an
11:52:08 AM
byu.sptr: rugi sih..
11:52:13 AM
byu.sptr: tapi BU gan..
11:52:30 AM
benson.claudeus: ok nanti kirimnya yg personal payment ya
11:52:34 AM
benson.claudeus: 100 dolar brp itu pasnya
11:53:20 AM
byu.sptr: 930rb
11:53:27 AM
byu.sptr: fee rekeber agan yang tanggung ya
11:53:31 AM
byu.sptr: email pnya apa?
11:53:40 AM
benson.claudeus: ok. benson.claudeus@yahoo.com
11:54:00 AM
byu.sptr: ok
11:54:26 AM
byu.sptr: pake rekber apa gan?
11:54:34 AM
byu.sptr: indo apa sanbank?
11:54:37 AM
benson.claudeus: indobank aj ya
11:54:43 AM
byu.sptr: siap
11:55:03 AM
benson.claudeus: eh gan ini minggu ya
11:55:05 AM
benson.claudeus: tutup wkwk
11:55:21 AM
byu.sptr: o iya..
11:55:23 AM
11:55:57 AM
benson.claudeus: besok aja brati..
IM Nov 18, 2012 12:13:50 PM
11:56:12 AM
byu.sptr: ok
11:56:16 AM
byu.sptr: id agan apa ya?
11:56:22 AM
benson.claudeus: BckL gan
11:57:21 AM
benson.claudeus: agak ngeri soalnya klo trans 900rb lebih
11:57:22 AM
benson.claudeus: haha
11:57:36 AM
byu.sptr: siap
12:02:13 PM
byu.sptr: cek saldo pp nya gan...
12:02:22 PM
benson.claudeus: loh bntr2
12:02:43 PM
benson.claudeus: waduh malah balancenya duluan
12:02:45 PM
benson.claudeus: no rek bca nya gan
12:02:47 PM
benson.claudeus: jadi sungkan gua
12:04:15 PM
benson.claudeus: udh masuk $100 gan.. ane minta no rek bcanya ya
12:06:19 PM
byu.sptr: gak punya bca gan...
12:06:23 PM
byu.sptr: bni punya nya
12:06:38 PM
benson.claudeus: walah ada temen yg punya bca ga gan ? saldo ane di bca soalnya
12:06:59 PM
byu.sptr: nati saya infokan ya...
12:07:09 PM
benson.claudeus: oke ditunggu gan
12:07:12 PM
benson.claudeus: sungkan beneran gw
12:07:16 PM
12:10:21 PM
benson.claudeus: bisa sih ini dari bca ke bni tapi takutnya nyampenya lama
12:10:35 PM
byu.sptr: nanti aja gan..
12:10:37 PM
byu.sptr: santai lah
12:11:05 PM
benson.claudeus: contact 08993989388 aja ya gan nanti klo dah dpt rek bca nya
12:11:14 PM
byu.sptr: siap
12:12:47 PM
benson.claudeus: emg ga ngeri gan kok malah balancenya duluan
12:13:29 PM
byu.sptr: kan ane dah nengok lapak agan...
12:13:32 PM
byu.sptr: piss ah..
12:13:42 PM
benson.claudeus: hahaha okok
12:13:47 PM
benson.claudeus: ditunggu kbrnya deh
12:13:50 PM
byu.sptr: siap
IM Nov 18, 2012 12:45:24 PM
12:34:32 PM
byu.sptr: 5000497489 an. imam gozali
12:34:38 PM
benson.claudeus: oke bntr
12:34:39 PM
byu.sptr: kabarin kalo dah transfer ya bos
12:36:29 PM
benson.claudeus: done.
12:38:11 PM
byu.sptr: maaf itu atas nama siapa ya? biar saya enak ceknya ketemen saya
12:38:18 PM
benson.claudeus: Benson Claudeus gan
12:38:23 PM
benson.claudeus: ane kasi detail balance PP kok
12:38:29 PM
byu.sptr: ok
12:39:35 PM
benson.claudeus: thanks a lot ya gan btw
12:41:22 PM
byu.sptr: ok
12:41:36 PM
byu.sptr: testi kalo gak keberatan ya gan
12:41:43 PM
benson.claudeus: minta link lapaknya ya
12:42:01 PM
byu.sptr: http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/50a85...rekber-welcome
12:43:53 PM
benson.claudeus: udh ane kasi testi gan
12:43:54 PM
benson.claudeus: thanks ya
12:45:09 PM
byu.sptr: thanks
12:45:14 PM
benson.claudeus: sipp
12:45:18 PM
benson.claudeus: klo butuh lagi ntr ane contact
12:45:19 PM
benson.claudeus: hehe
12:45:24 PM
byu.sptr: ok
Spoiler for Bukti Trans:
Spoiler for Email dari paypai:
Your Action is Requested
You have received a payment that we believe may not have been authorized by
the paypai account holder. Here are the details of the transaction we are
Transaction Details
Sender’s name: Azizah ,
Sender’s email: azizahcool19@yahoo.com
Transaction ID: 8F524095LK976921D
Transaction date: Nov 18, 2012
Transaction amount: $100,00 USD
Your transaction ID: 9E186388523867333
Case number: PP-002-078-659-622
We recommend that you don’t ship the item until our investigation is
complete. If you’ve already shipped the item, please log in to your paypai
account and go to the Resolution Center to provide the shipping details.
In order to continue our investigation, we need some additional information
from you.
Here’s how to provide us the information we need:
1. Log in to your paypai account.
2. Click “Resolution Center” near the top of the page.
3. Click "Resolve" in the Action column to view the information we need.
4. You can either fax or upload your documents to us.
You can fax your documents to us at: 0800 892-1557 atau 0800 892-1554
Please include a fax cover sheet that includes the email address registered
on your paypai account and your case ID number.
Here’s how to upload your documents:
1. Log in to your paypai account.
2. Click “Resolution Center” near the top of the page.
3. Find your case under "Resolution Center cases," then click "Resolve"
next to the request for documentation.
4. Click “Upload Files.”
5. Click “Browse” to find the file you want to send, and then click
6. Enter a title for the file.
7. Select the type of evidence, and then click “Attach This File.”
8. Attach any other files, and then click “Send Files to paypai.”
Please provide this information within 7 days.
This payment will remain on hold and unavailable to you until we complete
our investigation. We will email you when we complete our investigation.
Help Center:
Security Center:
Please do not reply to this email because we are not monitoring this inbox.
To get in touch with us, log in to your account and click "Contact Us" at
the bottom of any page.
Copyright © 2012 paypai Inc. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: paypai Pte Ltd, the Holder of the paypai™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the
terms and conditions:
paypai Email ID PP943
Spoiler for Bukti Dispute:
ym si penipu : byu.sptr
pertanyaan :
1. Gimana saya bisa memenangkan dispute ?
2. Dalam hal ini, Respon mana yang harus saya pilih dalam menyelesaikan dispute ?
Hadiah :
Bila saya bisa memenangkan dispute ini, saya bersedia memberikan 50rb kepada kaskuser yang membantu saya..
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