Atomix ECO SAGA 10
Max levell:
Emil World: 115(Aslinya 113)
Dominion World: 70(Aslinya50)
Progressive XP Rate: from 2x to 12x
Progressive Quest XP Rate: from 2x to 12x
Quest Gold Rate: 3x
Quest Stamp Rate: 3x
Multiple Drops: ON
Drop Rate: 3x
Special Drops Rate: 3x
Player command:: /user, !hairstyle, !hair
Untuk yang mengalami stuck setelah menginstall Client Atomix ECO lakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini :
1. Masuk ke perngaturan ganti resolution ke 1024x768 atau lebih besar lg
2. Cari "Reset Windows Location" click OK
3. Click Apply dan OK
Tutor Main Pake Client ID ECO
1. Cari file bernama "serverlist.lst" buka file tersebut menggunakan notepad
2. Copy text berikut ini Atomix, lalu Save
3. Cari Eco.exe di folder ID ECO lalu create shortcut
4. Klik kanan shortcut tadi lalu pilih properties
5. Masukan /launch di kolom target contoh :"E:\game\Emil Chronicle\eco.exe" /launch
Selamat Bermain Have Fun Gan
Nick Indo yang aktif di Atomix
90% server dikuasai sama orang indo gan
Yang Baru main Silahkan PM pocongkkk for helping
Beberapa Screenshot In Game
Spoiler for Jreng-Jreng:
Spoiler for galau:
Spoiler for Mati Berjamaah:
Spoiler for Sweet Moment:
Spoiler for City Battle:
- Biker Girls now drive you to capes and Sky Tower Island
- Bad Merchant(Uptown) sells Garderner + Reset Items for 1million gold, and Resets are 3 Silver Medals
- When Gambling in the Attraction Zone, you are no longer over charged. And Games that do not work
are announced by the NPC saying it's currently unavailible.
- Pet Trader is located on East Acronia Bridge
- Lv. 99 Clothes Traders is located on South Acronia Bridge
- Clothes Traders are on North and West Acronia Bridge.(Baju IM)
- Refixed the Lake Utena bug/Airship flight bug.
- Dominion World Dem Lab now works. You can buy Lv. 40-50 DEM Body Parts, Two Arm parts are missing
* So I used the 40/50 Parts Set. I will work out missing parts in a future update.
- "Forest Guildsman" now gives you an option to warp to BaoBab Forest (Cloudy)
- You must be carrying a 'Precious Red Copper Bijou' to go there.
- Underground Battleship Island Resistance map has been fixed.
- Underground Waterworks map is still in testing stage, do not go there without Space-Time Keys. (it's a work in progess.)
- Earth Fairy now works to Nenou if you have Carrot or Turnip Mandragora
- Theater Master 1 and 2 Secret Shops now work.
- Marionette Golems should now have translated menus (Needs further Testing, Tell Tita if they aren't.)
- Ms Pretty in South Acro Plains makes Bandage.
Hairstyle Code by Credit to Podor
Original Posted By Podor►wah ternyata ada juga nih tritnya,
salam kenal ya gan...
oh iya bagi yg pingin tau kode hairstylenya ini ane kasih referensinya...
soalnya ane sempat buat private servernya eco, trus teman2 pada buatin tuh list hairstylenya..