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ID Proyek: 2534370 Tipe Proyek: Tetap

Deskripsi Proyek:

I am looking for someone that will be able to help me with the following.
(Areas: Data Entry, Research, Report Writing, Academic Writing, Medical Writings, Powerpoint Presentations )
I need PowerPoint presentations created. The topics will always vary. To support each PowerPoint, I will need you to create a short summary for each bullet point on each PowerPoint. Powerpoints should ideally be 6 pages and no less including the title screen.
I need articles written as well. Some will be pretty short articles and others will be pretty long. I might want a one page article at times and other times, it might be 3, 4, 5 or 6 pages. It depends on what I am trying to debate. All must be original writings, I will check for originality. If you use any material that is not yours you must highlight it and let me know where you are getting them from. I don't want to have information of my competitors' in my articles and on my site so please make sure you highlight so I can check it. This goes for my PowerPoint as well. I make videos with them and don't want other people information in my video without me giving them credit for their work.
At this moment, my site is a bit behind with articles and powerpoints so I need someone that can start immediately. I am looking to pay $10 per powerpoint presentation. $2 per short article, essay or report, and $10 long articles, essay, or report.
I need 3 powerpoints done immediately within 10 hours. I am looking for someone IMMEDIATELY.

Thank you and happy bidding.

Keahlian yang diperlukan:
Tulisan Akademik , Entri Data , Powerpoint , Penulisan Laporan , Penelitian
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