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Ini contoh hasil scan-scanan yang lumayan:

Meluruskan niat saat mengetik "recaptcha" (capcay)

Hasil OCR:

The Hreckinridge' and Lane Democrats, having taken courage at the recent eastern advises, are [xxxxxxxxxx] energetically for the campaign: Several prominent Democrats who at first favored DonoLea, are coming out. for the other aide, apparently under the [xxxxxxxx] of Federal [xxxxxxxxx]. An address to the National Democracy of ,1ifornia, urging the party to support HaeeslipslDas, has recently been published, which manifestly bss strengthened that aide of the [xxxxxxxxx]: It is signed by 65 Democrats, many of whom occupy respectab e and prominent positions in the party, 22 of them are Federal office-holders, [xxxxx] more are recipients of Federal patronage, and the others represent a mass of politicians giving the document [xxxx] [xxxxxx] mTheDcu8las Democrats are also active The Irish and German vote will mostly go with ths# branch of the party, but it is [xxxxxxxxx] to [xxxxxxxx] [xxxxx] [xxxx] [xx] the stronger. Thus far 17 IT newspapers have declared for DonGres, 13 for Base$- IaaIDGS and 9 remain non-committal, with even chances of going either way. Under these circumstances the Republicans entertain not unjustifiable hopes that the Democratic divisions may be so equal,- ly balanced as to give the State [xx] LIaCOLV. Same very [xxxxxxx] Bell and Everett meetings have been held in different parts of the State, bat thus far that party does not exhibit much rank sad ale air en.

Hasil reCaptcha:

The Breckinridge and Lane Democrats, having taken courage at the recent eastern advices, are organizing energetically for the campaign. Several prominent Democrats who at first favored Douglas, are coming out for the other side, apparently under the pressure of Federal influence. An address to the National Democracy of California, urging the party to support Breckinridge has recently been published, which manifestly has strengthened that side of the question. It is signed by 65 Democrats, many of whom occupy respectable and prominent positions in the party, 22 of them are Federal office-holders, eight more are recipients of Federal patronage, and the others represent a mass of politicians giving the document most weight. The Douglas Democrats are also active The Irish and German vote will mostly go with that branch of the party, but it is difficult to estimate which wing is the stronger. Thus far 17 Democratic newspapers have declared for Douglas, 13 for Breckinridge and 9 remain non-committal, with even chances of going either way. Under these circumstances the Republicans entertain not unjustifiable hopes that the Democratic divisions may be so equally balanced as to give the State to Lincoln. Some very respectable Bell and Everett meetings have been held in different parts of the State, but thus far that party does not exhibit much rank and file strength.

Jadi kira-kira begitu Agan Sista, semoga saat mengetik reCaptcha tidak sebel lagi.

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