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Foto-foto Presiden Soekarno yang sangat luar biasa.. dan TERSELUBUNG..
Foto-foto Presiden Soekarno yang sangat luar biasa.. dan TERSELUBUNG..
Salam Kenal agan2 semua..,, masih NEWBITOL.. sekedar mau share aja nih FOTO YG LUAR BIASA PRESIDEN RI yg ke-1 INDONESIA TERCINTA ini..:
President Sukarno Saying Goodbye to His Daughters
Surrounded by citizens of Jakarta, President Sukarno kisses his youngest daughter, Sukmawati, goodbye while his other daughters, Rachmawati (center) and Megawati (left), wait their turn. The Indonesian President was leaving for a three-week vacation in Tokyo... pulangnya soekarno malah bawa ibu tiri buat anak-anaknya...ratna sari dewi
Sukarno Inspects Troops
President Sukarno, the first leader of Indonesia after it became a republic in 1945, inspects his troops.
Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke and President Sukarno
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno during a state visit in Tokyo, Japan.
Marilyn Monroe Standing with President Sukarno
Original caption: Indonesia's President Sukarno is shown chatting with actress Marilyn Monroe during a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Logan at a Beverly Hills Hotel last Tuesday night. The party was given in honor of Logan's brother-in-law, Marshall Noble, who is traveling with the 62 members of the Indonesian visiting group. Sukarno had expressed a desire to meet Miss Monroe, who he said is one of the favorite actresses in his country.
Kennedy and Johnson with Indonesia's Sukarno 1961
Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke and President Sukarno
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno
Achmad Sukarno, President of Indonesia and Hafi Salim (maksudnya Haji Agus Salim kali yak?), Socialist Foreign Minister, in 1949.
Sukarno at Disneyland
Original caption: 6/4/1956-Anaheim, California- Dr. Achmed Sukarno, President of Indonesia, now touring the US, is shown with his son, Guntur, 12, riding behind "Dumbo," one of the fabulous residents of Disneyland, during their visit to the famous playground at Anaheim. Dr. Sukarno seemed to enjoy the tour almost as much as his enthusiastic son.
President and Mrs. Eisenhower and Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: 5/19/1956-Washington, D.C.- President and Mrs. Eisenhower are greeted by President Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the Mayflower Hotel for a dinner given by President Sukarno in their honor. Speaking at the dinner, President Eisenhower said that Dr. Sukarno has given the US a "new thought, feeling and conception of freedom." In a toast to Mr. Eisenhower, President Sukarno said: "From what I have seen, this is a country of democracy and freedom.
Presidents Kennedy and Sukarno
Original caption: 4/24/1961- andres Air Force Base, MD: Sukarno Here For Talks: President Kenendy and Indonesian President Sukarno are shown in back of limousine following the latter's arrival here today. Sukarno is here for talks which may provide a gauge of U.S. prestige in the wake of the Cuban incident.
Achmed Sukarno Delivering a Speech
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: Indonesian president Sukarno, speaking at a national press club luncheon today, warned that failure to end colonialism in Asia and Africa will mean the disruption of the United Nations and other world organizations.
Achmed Sukarno Shaking Hands with Dag Hammarskjold
Indonesian President and Ministers
Original caption: General views of Indonesia President President Sukarno with other ministers.
Indonesian President Sukarno at Podium
Original caption: United Nations, New York: Helpful. President Sukarno of Indonesia speaks before the United Nations General assembly, Sept. 30th. His military aide, Lt. Col. Sabur (Left), retrieved each page as the President finished reading it. Sukarno urged the General Assembly to seek a new permanent home for the United Nations in Geneva or in some Asian or African country.
ohn Kennedy Inspecting Soldiers
Original caption: Sukarno inspects honor guard. andres Air Force Base, Md.: Indonesian President Sukarno (right) inspects the honor guard following his arrival here today for talks with President Kennedy. Trooping the line with him are President Kennedy and Lieutenant Colonel Charles P. Murray Jr., commander of the troops.
Robert and Ethel Kennedy Sitting With Indonesian Leader
Original caption: U. S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, (L), and his wife visit with Indonesian president Sukarno here. The Kennedy's lunched with Sukarno on this "courtesy call" visit. The president's brother and Sukarno are expected to discuss the Dutch Indonesian dispute and other issues involving Indonesia during informal talks later during the attorney General's six day visit to the island.
President Kennedy Greets President Sukarno
Original caption: Sukarno Arrives For Working Lunch. Washington: Indonesian President Sukarno is greeted by President Kennedy on the North Portico of the White House as the former arrives today for a working lunch with the U.S. Chief Executive, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Indonesian Foreign Minister Subandrio. Kennedy and Sukarno had met for an hour and a half earlier this morning at the White House.
Achmed Sukarno Waving from His Limousine
Original caption: Asian leader responds to capital welcome. Washington, D.C.: President Sukarno of Indonesia waves from his open limousine in response to greeting accorded him yesterday on his arrival in Washington for an 18 day official state visit. Dr. Sukarno, leader of the world's third largest republic, which has remained neutral in the East-West Cold War, is staying at Blair House as guest of President Eisenhower. The Asian leader expressed the hope that his visit will "lead to real friendship between the U.S. and Indonesia."
Portrait of Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Leaving past glories behind, Indonesia's former leader Sukarno now lives quietly isolated from his people. Sukarno, who at one time traveled extensively and who boasted of four wives, is not allowed now to travel inside or outside Indonesia without permission and can only see on of his wives. At age 67, Sukarno is now truly in the September of his years, as he appears in his underwear.
Portrait of Dr Achmed Sukarno Photo yang terkenal nihh....
Original caption: This is the latest official portrait of Dr. Achmed Soekarno, the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
First Indonesian Cabinet Meeting
Original caption: 8/4/1966-Jakarta, Indonesia- Members of the new Indonesian cabinet, formed July 25th, await the start of their first meeting at Freedom Palace. From left are: Chairman of the Presidium General Suharto; President Sukarno; Senior Minister of Economics and Finance S.H. Buwono IX; and Senior Minister of Politics A. Malik.
Original caption: 7/6/1965-London, England- Having her hair put back in place by the helping hand of a friend, Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno smiles as she arrives in London. The Japanese-born beauty is the Indonesian President Sukarno's "wife number three," in his harem of four wives. Although relations between Indonesia and the British Commonwealth are strained, Madame Sukarno received an official welcome from the British Foreign Office.
kalo agan berkenan,jangan lupa kasih
jangan sampe ane..:
karena kita budayakeun indonesia
Spoiler for cek dimari:
Salam Kenal agan2 semua..,, masih NEWBITOL.. sekedar mau share aja nih FOTO YG LUAR BIASA PRESIDEN RI yg ke-1 INDONESIA TERCINTA ini..:
Spoiler for Soekarno:
President Sukarno Saying Goodbye to His Daughters
Surrounded by citizens of Jakarta, President Sukarno kisses his youngest daughter, Sukmawati, goodbye while his other daughters, Rachmawati (center) and Megawati (left), wait their turn. The Indonesian President was leaving for a three-week vacation in Tokyo... pulangnya soekarno malah bawa ibu tiri buat anak-anaknya...ratna sari dewi
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Sukarno Inspects Troops
President Sukarno, the first leader of Indonesia after it became a republic in 1945, inspects his troops.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno during a state visit in Tokyo, Japan.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: Indonesia's President Sukarno is shown chatting with actress Marilyn Monroe during a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Logan at a Beverly Hills Hotel last Tuesday night. The party was given in honor of Logan's brother-in-law, Marshall Noble, who is traveling with the 62 members of the Indonesian visiting group. Sukarno had expressed a desire to meet Miss Monroe, who he said is one of the favorite actresses in his country.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Indonesian President Achmad SukarnoAchmad Sukarno, President of Indonesia and Hafi Salim (maksudnya Haji Agus Salim kali yak?), Socialist Foreign Minister, in 1949.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: 6/4/1956-Anaheim, California- Dr. Achmed Sukarno, President of Indonesia, now touring the US, is shown with his son, Guntur, 12, riding behind "Dumbo," one of the fabulous residents of Disneyland, during their visit to the famous playground at Anaheim. Dr. Sukarno seemed to enjoy the tour almost as much as his enthusiastic son.
LANJuuuttt Gaaan........
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: 5/19/1956-Washington, D.C.- President and Mrs. Eisenhower are greeted by President Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the Mayflower Hotel for a dinner given by President Sukarno in their honor. Speaking at the dinner, President Eisenhower said that Dr. Sukarno has given the US a "new thought, feeling and conception of freedom." In a toast to Mr. Eisenhower, President Sukarno said: "From what I have seen, this is a country of democracy and freedom.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: 4/24/1961- andres Air Force Base, MD: Sukarno Here For Talks: President Kenendy and Indonesian President Sukarno are shown in back of limousine following the latter's arrival here today. Sukarno is here for talks which may provide a gauge of U.S. prestige in the wake of the Cuban incident.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: Indonesian president Sukarno, speaking at a national press club luncheon today, warned that failure to end colonialism in Asia and Africa will mean the disruption of the United Nations and other world organizations.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: General views of Indonesia President President Sukarno with other ministers.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: United Nations, New York: Helpful. President Sukarno of Indonesia speaks before the United Nations General assembly, Sept. 30th. His military aide, Lt. Col. Sabur (Left), retrieved each page as the President finished reading it. Sukarno urged the General Assembly to seek a new permanent home for the United Nations in Geneva or in some Asian or African country.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: Sukarno inspects honor guard. andres Air Force Base, Md.: Indonesian President Sukarno (right) inspects the honor guard following his arrival here today for talks with President Kennedy. Trooping the line with him are President Kennedy and Lieutenant Colonel Charles P. Murray Jr., commander of the troops.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: U. S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, (L), and his wife visit with Indonesian president Sukarno here. The Kennedy's lunched with Sukarno on this "courtesy call" visit. The president's brother and Sukarno are expected to discuss the Dutch Indonesian dispute and other issues involving Indonesia during informal talks later during the attorney General's six day visit to the island.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: Sukarno Arrives For Working Lunch. Washington: Indonesian President Sukarno is greeted by President Kennedy on the North Portico of the White House as the former arrives today for a working lunch with the U.S. Chief Executive, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Indonesian Foreign Minister Subandrio. Kennedy and Sukarno had met for an hour and a half earlier this morning at the White House.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: Asian leader responds to capital welcome. Washington, D.C.: President Sukarno of Indonesia waves from his open limousine in response to greeting accorded him yesterday on his arrival in Washington for an 18 day official state visit. Dr. Sukarno, leader of the world's third largest republic, which has remained neutral in the East-West Cold War, is staying at Blair House as guest of President Eisenhower. The Asian leader expressed the hope that his visit will "lead to real friendship between the U.S. and Indonesia."
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: Leaving past glories behind, Indonesia's former leader Sukarno now lives quietly isolated from his people. Sukarno, who at one time traveled extensively and who boasted of four wives, is not allowed now to travel inside or outside Indonesia without permission and can only see on of his wives. At age 67, Sukarno is now truly in the September of his years, as he appears in his underwear.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: This is the latest official portrait of Dr. Achmed Soekarno, the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Spoiler for Soekarno:
Original caption: 8/4/1966-Jakarta, Indonesia- Members of the new Indonesian cabinet, formed July 25th, await the start of their first meeting at Freedom Palace. From left are: Chairman of the Presidium General Suharto; President Sukarno; Senior Minister of Economics and Finance S.H. Buwono IX; and Senior Minister of Politics A. Malik.
Spoiler for Cantiiik:
Madame Sukarno Having Hair Done...cakep ya sampe bikin BK klepek-klepek...
Original caption: 7/6/1965-London, England- Having her hair put back in place by the helping hand of a friend, Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno smiles as she arrives in London. The Japanese-born beauty is the Indonesian President Sukarno's "wife number three," in his harem of four wives. Although relations between Indonesia and the British Commonwealth are strained, Madame Sukarno received an official welcome from the British Foreign Office.
kalo agan berkenan,jangan lupa kasih
jangan sampe ane..:
karena kita budayakeun indonesia
zharki memberi reputasi
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