[Private Server] Republik Game AION (AION REPUBLIK) 3.0
[Private Server] Republik Game AION (AION REPUBLIK) 3.0
Genre : Action MMPORG
Exp Rate : 300
Kinah : 300
Drop : 20
Quest : 100
War dan Event Setiap Hari
Spoiler for Jadwal Event:
War Auto Setiap Hari :Rise of Tiamaranta Eye 20:00 WIBA
Battle Line : 10:00 - WIBA
Event By Gm
Siang : 12:00-13:00 WIBA
Malam : 22:00
Publish Server Republik Game Dengan Open IP (Bebas dari mana aja yang maen) tapi base local nya tetep Indonesia..
Langsung aja ke TKP nya gan :
Home web : Republik AION
Register : Register
Forum : Aion Republik Forum
Spoiler for Class And Job:
Basic Class :
2nd Class :
Spirit Master
Spoiler for Server Feature's:
Server Feature's :
Aion client version 3.0 full support.
StarterPack ELITE REIAN SET for each JOB
Credit System
Vote Reward
Daily Events and Support by Gamemasters
Daily WAR for get PREMIUM Member
Player command .givemissingskills .gmlist .dye .movie .rpgtoll
Exchange Abyss Point to TOLL for shoping in IM
Best High Rate PVP
Alliance and Group system
Full items support, equipements, potions, food, stones, etc.
Max level 60
Player stats retail like with Balanced PvP
Drop and loot system from monsters.
Normal & Flight Teleport.
Player name, legion, face, gender change.
Player friend and duel system.
Spawn protection.
Different skill types: damage/heal/DOT/HOT/buff/debuff/transforms/traps/mantras
Items stats attributes, attack, defense, boosts, etc.
Quests engine with campaign quests, group drop distribution for quests.
Manastone socketing and bonuses.
Rifts system.
Siege system.
Player command : //givemissingskills //dye .rpgtoll .gotolove
Channels, Instances and Crafting support.
Gathering process and gather skill level up.
Godstone socketing and effects.
Private shops.
Zone manager with drowning/breath area working.
Summons and servants.
Trader Broker
Item Remodeler
Chat server and channels
Geo system
Conditioning fix
Augment fix
And alot more...