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Human & God

Human & God
Suatu ketika, seorang mahasiswa di Amerika Serikat telah menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjananya dengan predikat cum laude. Ia dengan penuh percaya diri yakin akan mendapat pekerjaan dengan mudah karena IPK-nya yang mencapai 3,96. Akan tetapi, ketika ia melamar pekerjaan ke salah satu perusahaan, ternyata ia ditolak. Kemudian ia melamar lagi di perusahaan yang lainnya dan ternyata ditolak juga. Demikian seterusnya hingga akhirnya ia menyerah. Ia mengeluh kepada Tuhan.
Manusia : God, are You there?
Tuhan : Yes son. I'm here.
Manusia : Are you busy, God?
Tuhan : Nothing could make Me busy, son. Do you forget that I'm almighty?
Manusia : Then, why You don't bless me in applying job?
Tuhan: I do that, son. But I want to make you closer to me.
Manusia : God, do You love me?
Tuhan : you shouldn't doubt it, son.
Manusia : Huh, God, what 1 million years mean for You?
Tuhan : It's like a second to Me..
Manusia : And what US $ 1 million mean for You?
Tuhan : It's like a penny.
Manusia : Good then. So you don't mind if I ask 1 million dollars to You, do You?
Tuhan : Of course. You really want it, son?
Manusia : Sure God.
Tuhan : Well, you wait here. I'll bring it to you. Just wait for a SECOND, son!
Manusia : %$#%$%$#$#@..!!!!!!!
Manusia : God, are You there?
Tuhan : Yes son. I'm here.
Manusia : Are you busy, God?
Tuhan : Nothing could make Me busy, son. Do you forget that I'm almighty?
Manusia : Then, why You don't bless me in applying job?
Tuhan: I do that, son. But I want to make you closer to me.
Manusia : God, do You love me?
Tuhan : you shouldn't doubt it, son.
Manusia : Huh, God, what 1 million years mean for You?
Tuhan : It's like a second to Me..
Manusia : And what US $ 1 million mean for You?
Tuhan : It's like a penny.
Manusia : Good then. So you don't mind if I ask 1 million dollars to You, do You?
Tuhan : Of course. You really want it, son?
Manusia : Sure God.
Tuhan : Well, you wait here. I'll bring it to you. Just wait for a SECOND, son!
Manusia : %$#%$%$#$#@..!!!!!!!

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