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RF CORVUS 224 OB 16September(hari INI)

RF CORVUS 224 OB 16September(hari INI)
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RF CORVUS 2.2.4 OB 16 September
info server:
* Exp Rate x2000
* Drop rate x35
* Mining Rate x100
* Animus Rate x10000
* Quest 50 & 56 Off
* New Maps
* Capture Lv 85
* Open Skill Master
* Skill PT Force GM
* New NPC Gold Point
===Leveling guide====
* Lv 51 60 Lvling @Out Cast
* Lv 61 Lv 66 Lving @Map Elven
* Lv 66 75 Lvling @MedicalLab Lantai 2
* Lv 70 - 85 @New maps ( Mustion Disel dan Olympus)
===Info Npc====
- scroll PB @foreign vendor all race
-Weapon all relic lvl 45+6 @ NPC Elan
-weapon all relick lvl 55+ 6 @ NPC Markas
- Shiled 70, 75, 76, 80, 85 @ NPC Markas
- stabel 5-6 @ NPC Markas
- Armor 70 & 80 available at NPC Ambassador that sell armor LV 55
- Weapon 75 avalaible at NPC dark knight ambassador
- NPC crawler and friend in sette sell potion, talic, T5, Armor LV 85 and Weapon LV 85
===drop list=====
- Young Flem drop ele A/d 3030 A/A30/25, legacy blade
- wing drop exelciorC White,Black,Yelow and box" for farming
- Giant baba dropped Rune
- Narom Captain armor 85 (for OB)
drop list still building......
Game CP : http://www.corvus-up.com/cp/
Forum : http://rf-corvus.indonesianforum.net/
RF CORVUS 2.2.4 OB 16 September
info server:
* Exp Rate x2000
* Drop rate x35
* Mining Rate x100
* Animus Rate x10000
* Quest 50 & 56 Off
* New Maps
* Capture Lv 85
* Open Skill Master
* Skill PT Force GM
* New NPC Gold Point
===Leveling guide====
* Lv 51 60 Lvling @Out Cast
* Lv 61 Lv 66 Lving @Map Elven
* Lv 66 75 Lvling @MedicalLab Lantai 2
* Lv 70 - 85 @New maps ( Mustion Disel dan Olympus)
===Info Npc====
- scroll PB @foreign vendor all race
-Weapon all relic lvl 45+6 @ NPC Elan
-weapon all relick lvl 55+ 6 @ NPC Markas
- Shiled 70, 75, 76, 80, 85 @ NPC Markas
- stabel 5-6 @ NPC Markas
- Armor 70 & 80 available at NPC Ambassador that sell armor LV 55
- Weapon 75 avalaible at NPC dark knight ambassador
- NPC crawler and friend in sette sell potion, talic, T5, Armor LV 85 and Weapon LV 85
===drop list=====
- Young Flem drop ele A/d 3030 A/A30/25, legacy blade
- wing drop exelciorC White,Black,Yelow and box" for farming
- Giant baba dropped Rune
- Narom Captain armor 85 (for OB)
drop list still building......
Game CP : http://www.corvus-up.com/cp/
Forum : http://rf-corvus.indonesianforum.net/

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