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[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai

[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai
Spoiler for REPSOL ?? NO WAY !:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/img845.imageshack.us/img845/2782/proofnorepost.jpg)

Merawat pohon bonsai adalah proses yang memakan waktu. Tapi bayangkan, apabila tugas yang berat dan kompleks itu digabungkan dengan membangun model skala kincir angin, mercusuar dan bahkan boneka produsen ban Michelin pada pohon bonsai itu.
Salah satu seniman Jepang telah melakukan hal itu dengan patung-patung miniatur aneh tapi menarik yang dibentuk disekitar pohon bonsai.
Mantan ilustrator labirin Takanori Aiba, dengan sabar merubah bonsai itu menjadi kerajinan tangan yang mengagumkan.
Setelah berhenti dari pekerjaannya sebagai ilustrator untuk majalah fashion POPYE Jepang, selama 10 tahun ia menghabiskan waktu terakhirnya untuk memroduksi dunia mini ini.
Aiba menciptakan miniatur bangunan yang amat luar biasa yang bertumpu pada dahan dan cabang pohon bonsai.
Bayangkan, seniman Jepang itu hanya menggunakan bahan seperti kertas, kawat tembaga, tanah liat, plastik, plester, resin akrilik dan cat dalam membuat karyanya. Beliau menghabiskan berjam-jam dalam menciptakan model-model bangunan dengan memanfaatkan pohon bonsai.
Takanori Aiba tak pernah lelah dan sabar dalam membuat masterpiece-nya.
Ia menciptakan model bangunan amat lengkap dengan detail yang terperinci seperti jembatan, balkon dan menara. Dengan menggunakan pohon bonsai sebagai pondasi, diorama - diorama ini terinspirasi mengikuti bentuk unik dari setiap pohon bonsai sehingga tercipta lanskap & bangunan baik dalam bentuk vertikal maupun horizontal sehingga terbentuk harmonisasi seperti bangunan berikut pemandangan yang sebenarnya.
Beberapa kreasi Aiba pada awal mulanya sangat bergantung pada fungsi dari bonsai sebagai pohon. Bonsai tersebut harus memenuhi persyaratan kekuatan seperti menahan bobot dari rumah pohon, cabang-cabang & dedaunan dari bonsai dirancang mencuat dari bagian atap bangunan dan menjulur kebawah. Setiap cabang pohon dihiasi dengan teras, payung, lampu kecil, menciptakan suasana hunian yang luar biasa layaknya seperti cerita film Swiss Family Robinson.
Seperti dilansir Daily Mail, Senin (20/2/2012), dalam sebuah karya Aiba menggunakan teknik tinggi dengan membangun miniatur kehidupan rakyat yang mengelilingi pohon-pohon kecil.
Teknik yang sering digunakan Takanori Aiba antara lain pemangkasan, pengurangan akar, defoliasi, dan okulasi untuk perawatan bonsai tsb.
Aiba menggambarkan bentuk seni bonsai ini sebagai pendekatan eksperimental untuk merubah gaya bonsai modern yang menggambarkan keindahan. Karya-karyanya pun dianggap sesuai dengan sisi spiritual antara manusia dan alam dalam bentuk miniatur.
Dia menempatkan pikirannya untuk menciptakan karya seni tiga dimensi, menggabungkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman ilustrasi dan arsitektur labirin, dengan skill yang amat terlatih sesuai dengan pengalamannya bertahun-tahun
Spoiler for WOW 1 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba2.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 2 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba6.jpg)
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/img805.imageshack.us/img805/7854/wow2h.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 3 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba5.jpg)
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/img861.imageshack.us/img861/9729/wow3w.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 4 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba8.jpg)
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/img713.imageshack.us/img713/3251/wow4g.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 5 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba7.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 6 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba4.jpg)
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy98/misaelho/takanori%20aiba/wow6.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 7 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba9.jpg)
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy98/misaelho/takanori%20aiba/wow7.jpg)
Spoiler for WOW 8 !!:
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/Bonsai-Treehouse-Aiba3.jpg)
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy98/misaelho/takanori%20aiba/wow8.jpg)
Spoiler for Biodata Takanori Aiba:
:: BIO
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/img705.imageshack.us/img705/7945/aibap.jpg)
Takanori Aiba was born in 1953 in Yokohama, Japan. Studied Japanese traditional textiles and dyed clothing in Tokyo Zokei University. Built a first career as a freelance maze illustrator since 1978. His maze works were serialized in POPYE, Japanese fashion magazine for 10 years. Founded his own company,Graphics and Designing Inc., in 1981. Expand a range of his career to a concept maker and art director for architectural spaces. Total production of Shin Yokohama Chinese Noodle Museum, Muse Du Petit Prince De Saint Exupery A Hakone, NINJA AKASAKA were one of his major works.Since, 2003, He put his mind to create three dimensional art works which combines his knowledge and experience of both maze illustrator and architect. On September, 2010, He had a solo exhibition, Adventures of the Eyes at Kakiden Gallery, Tokyo Japan with his works.
Kazuko Todate, Art Critic, talks about our exhibition,
*1?Works are created through Aibas extraordinary fantastic and sometimes even chimerical imaginations. However, they do not look like pipe dreams. In fact people believe that they are real buildings and spaces because Aiba depicts not only the outline but also all of the elaborate details in each works.
Though the paintings are flat and two-dimensional, Aiba creates images of the side, back, and even the inside of the buildings.
Aibas eyes circle around, and sometimes intentionally wander between buildings in the space.
His eyes are like those of a bird or like those of wind.
*2?If you explore any small part of Aibas works, you find amazing stories and some unique characters.
Those works are not just imaginary compositions; it is indeed possible to construct the amusement parks.
Murakami, who makes Aibas models, is also a civil engineer. He is a realist sharing dreams with Aiba.
The early bonsai-type models look like bonsai art. Bonsai reflect the Japanese traditional aesthetic sense of
expressing the magnificence of nature in a small potted plant.
However, the density of decoration and the rich stories of Aibas works contain extraordinary times and spaces which
differ from the bonsai world determined by plants physiology.
*1*2 Adventures of the Eyes: AIBA Takanoris Aesthetics of Space Creation, KAZUKO TODATE, Art Critic
2011-Hong Kong Design Award 11 Bonsai-B
2005-Japan Display Design Association Award/ Display Design Award Doutonbori Shoutengai
2002-Hong Kong Design Award02 NINJA AKASAKA
1995-New York ADC Award 95 Shinyokohama Chinese Noodle Museum
1992-New York ADC Award International Unix CI design
2011-solo exhibition Adventures of the Eyes- Kakiden Gallery, Shinjuku, Tokyo
1980-solo exhibition Maze Metamorphosize-Sapporo, Kazazawa
1979-solo exhibition Maze Metamorphosize- AXIS Gallery, Roppongi,Tokyo
2010-Tokyo Good Idea Development Institute-Nikkei Publishing Inc.
1992-Takanori Aibas Maze World -Shin- Hyoron Publication
1992-Maze Metamorphosize <Series of World Masterpieace>, Shin-Hyoron Publication
2010-Musashino Art University, School of industrial, interior, and craft design,Tokyo,Japan
2008-Nihon Kogakuin College, Tokyo, Japan
![[ WOW AMAZINGLY SPECTACULER ] Miniatur Bangunan Dibangun Diatas Pohon Bonsai](https://dl.kaskus.id/img705.imageshack.us/img705/7945/aibap.jpg)
Takanori Aiba was born in 1953 in Yokohama, Japan. Studied Japanese traditional textiles and dyed clothing in Tokyo Zokei University. Built a first career as a freelance maze illustrator since 1978. His maze works were serialized in POPYE, Japanese fashion magazine for 10 years. Founded his own company,Graphics and Designing Inc., in 1981. Expand a range of his career to a concept maker and art director for architectural spaces. Total production of Shin Yokohama Chinese Noodle Museum, Muse Du Petit Prince De Saint Exupery A Hakone, NINJA AKASAKA were one of his major works.Since, 2003, He put his mind to create three dimensional art works which combines his knowledge and experience of both maze illustrator and architect. On September, 2010, He had a solo exhibition, Adventures of the Eyes at Kakiden Gallery, Tokyo Japan with his works.
Kazuko Todate, Art Critic, talks about our exhibition,
*1?Works are created through Aibas extraordinary fantastic and sometimes even chimerical imaginations. However, they do not look like pipe dreams. In fact people believe that they are real buildings and spaces because Aiba depicts not only the outline but also all of the elaborate details in each works.
Though the paintings are flat and two-dimensional, Aiba creates images of the side, back, and even the inside of the buildings.
Aibas eyes circle around, and sometimes intentionally wander between buildings in the space.
His eyes are like those of a bird or like those of wind.
*2?If you explore any small part of Aibas works, you find amazing stories and some unique characters.
Those works are not just imaginary compositions; it is indeed possible to construct the amusement parks.
Murakami, who makes Aibas models, is also a civil engineer. He is a realist sharing dreams with Aiba.
The early bonsai-type models look like bonsai art. Bonsai reflect the Japanese traditional aesthetic sense of
expressing the magnificence of nature in a small potted plant.
However, the density of decoration and the rich stories of Aibas works contain extraordinary times and spaces which
differ from the bonsai world determined by plants physiology.
*1*2 Adventures of the Eyes: AIBA Takanoris Aesthetics of Space Creation, KAZUKO TODATE, Art Critic
2011-Hong Kong Design Award 11 Bonsai-B
2005-Japan Display Design Association Award/ Display Design Award Doutonbori Shoutengai
2002-Hong Kong Design Award02 NINJA AKASAKA
1995-New York ADC Award 95 Shinyokohama Chinese Noodle Museum
1992-New York ADC Award International Unix CI design
2011-solo exhibition Adventures of the Eyes- Kakiden Gallery, Shinjuku, Tokyo
1980-solo exhibition Maze Metamorphosize-Sapporo, Kazazawa
1979-solo exhibition Maze Metamorphosize- AXIS Gallery, Roppongi,Tokyo
2010-Tokyo Good Idea Development Institute-Nikkei Publishing Inc.
1992-Takanori Aibas Maze World -Shin- Hyoron Publication
1992-Maze Metamorphosize <Series of World Masterpieace>, Shin-Hyoron Publication
2010-Musashino Art University, School of industrial, interior, and craft design,Tokyo,Japan
2008-Nihon Kogakuin College, Tokyo, Japan
Spoiler for bonus dr kaskuser bihunbebek:
Diubah oleh hofuyang 16-08-2013 11:45

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