mari berlatih bahasa inggris.
yang mengerti silakan ..
bila sakit perut ane ga tanggung
Spoiler for kamus:
Menyentuh = the mock
Melihat = the lock
Bersimpuh = the prock
Gak ngerti= the lahom
Sembunyi = the lick
Kepingin anget = the sell
Kelapa muda = the gun
Batang pisang = the bock
Njungkel = the looser
Ketakutan = the redegg
Kaget = the rod dog
Hantu = the mitt
Gak pinter = the dell
Hujan lebat = the rest
Komat kamit = there me mill
Lahap = the lapp the lepp
Bengong = the low ngop
Lesung pipi = the cock
Singkong = the low
Menetes = the left where
sombong = the ngill
Roti udah lama = the ngick
Omong doang = get the bush
Tidak biasanya = the nga ren
Tersembunyi = the less sepp
Bakiak = the cleck
Ngantuk = the cluck the cloock
jelek = the kill
maju ke = the fun
tendang = the puck
tenggelam = the lep
menghancurkan = the plock
menyela = the sell the sell
menangkap = the kepp
lengket = the pell
miring = the gleck
yg baca = the so
Spoiler for tambahan:
Original Posted By reprep12►
ane tambahin gan,
mlongo : the long up
Original Posted By yande ajus►
Taruh = the leh
Melepas = the dell
Original Posted By mogundra►Kocak gan ini ane tambahin..
dia : the e
Original Posted By zakkiwaelah►tambahan gan
tidak tahu apa2 : the long up
nasi panjang : long tong(red: lontong)
kelakuanmu : dove for moo(red : dapormu)