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film ngeri gan cekibrot...The Possession of Emma Evans (Best Exorcism) menurut ane
misi agan2 semua

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film yang menurut ane paling serem yang bertema EXORCISM alias pengusiran setan, ane nonton sambil nutup mata dikit sih hahaha....ok langsung aja film nya

EXORCISMUS a.k.a The Possession of Emma Evans

review : Fifteen-year-old Emma Evans is like any other teenage girl; she thinks that her parents don´t understand her. She longs for independence and a life free of family ties and responsibilities and she is prepared to do anything to achieve it. But one day she will be forced to face up to the consequences of her actions. Life seems to be carrying on as normal, until one day Emma starts experiencing frightening fits. Her parents are convinced that her problems are either medical or psychological, but when doctors´ tests are unable to draw any conclusions, the family is forced to look elsewhere for answers. It all started off as a bit of fun, Emma never really believed it, but the truth is there is something dark and sinister within her, and it won´t take long to surface. (sumber)

ane kasih sedikit penampakan video ama poster nya gan..

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ane cuma bermaksud sharing gan....hehehe ga trima emoticon-Blue Guy Bata (S)
ane cuma pengen comment apalagi di rate..sangat2 trima kasih..

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