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[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife

[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/img266.imageshack.us/img266/7164/sjbanner.jpg)
All About iLife
iLife 2013
iLife 2013 doesn't exist no more.
Tenang, iLife 2013 nggak ada lagi karena Apple memutuskan untuk bikin app sendiri-sendiri, bukan dalam satu package kayak iLife 2011.
Jadi ada Garageband sendiri, iPhoto sendiri, iMovie sendiri dan juga menggabungkan iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote)
Tenang, iLife 2013 nggak ada lagi karena Apple memutuskan untuk bikin app sendiri-sendiri, bukan dalam satu package kayak iLife 2011.
Jadi ada Garageband sendiri, iPhoto sendiri, iMovie sendiri dan juga menggabungkan iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote)
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/creativity-apps/mac/images/iphoto_title.png)
iPhoto gives you everything you need to do everything you want with your photos. Keep them organized and easy to find in lots of different ways. Use powerful yet simple editing tools to perfect each shot. Send your photos via Mail and Messages. Post them to Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. Create entertaining slideshows, or share your pictures with friends and family using iCloud. You can even turn your favorite shots into gorgeous photo books, cards, calendars, and prints — all without ever leaving iPhoto.
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/creativity-apps/mac/images/imovie_title.png)
With iMovie, you have a great home for all your home video. An all-new design makes it easy to browse and lets you share your favorite moments instantly. And when you want to transform a few clips into your all-time favorite movie or trailer, iMovie gives you the tools to share it with your closest fans or make it ready for your world premiere.
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/creativity-apps/mac/images/garageband_title.png)
From music lessons to mastering tools, creating great music on your Mac has never been easier. Or more fun. GarageBand gives you a dream collection of amps and stompboxes, an all-new Sound Library of instruments and loops — even a virtual session drummer that follows your lead. And you can release your hit single to the world in seconds. GarageBand has everything you need to make and share truly great music, while having a blast doing it.
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/creativity-apps/mac/images/pages_title.png)
From the first letter you type, you’ll realize how natural it is to make beautiful documents in Pages. Paint a picture with words. Or add a picture, shape, or interactive chart. Tools for whatever you’re doing appear right when you need them. When you’re ready, you can share in lots of ways with a single click. Writing has never been so effortless. Period.
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/creativity-apps/mac/images/numbers_title.png)
Numbers helps you make spreadsheets more insightful — and more beautiful. Drop your data into a stunning, Apple-designed template. Or start with a blank canvas. Add in some quick calculations. Then visualize the numbers with a dramatic interactive chart. Suddenly, you see what it all means. How beautiful is that?
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/creativity-apps/mac/images/keynote_title.png)
Start by choosing a polished Apple-designed theme. Bring in photos and videos, and tweak them with powerful graphics tools. Spotlight crucial points with animated, interactive charts. Then cue up cinematic effects and transitions. It’s all available from an intuitive interface. With Keynote, giving a spectacular presentation is astonishingly easy.
Links for iLife 2013
Bro ed_wynn's Contribution: All About iLife
Bro ed_wynn's Contribution: All About iLife
iLife 2011
Spoiler for iLife 2011:
Spoiler for ilife11:
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/ilife/images/overview_hero_6_20100727.jpg)
Spoiler for ilife11:
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/ilife/images/overview_hero_6_20100727.jpg)
iPhoto 11
Spoiler for ilife11:
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/ilife/images/overview_bucket_iphoto_20101020.png)
iMovie 11
Spoiler for ilife11:
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/ilife/images/overview_bucket_imovie_20100727.png)
GarageBand 11
Spoiler for ilife11:
![[iShare & iDiscuss] iLife](https://dl.kaskus.id/images.apple.com/ilife/images/overview_bucket_garageband_20100727.png)
How to download iLife 2011
Step.1 Pertama...download semua bahan kita dibawah
bitTorrent Clients
"]iLife '11 Download[/URL]
Done?? Cekidot to the next step
1.Setelah download semua (transmission,utorrent,sama iLife 11 nya,terus buka itu uTorrent, terus buke File ---> Open torrent
2.Terus arahin dimana kalian simpan iLife 11 download tadi
3.Tunggu download sampe selesai dan buka file nya ( iLife 11.DMG)

Setelah itu install iLife 11 nya dan...
iLife yang di Apple Store harganya Rp.950.000 , ada di dock kalian for FREE!
iLife 2011: LINK LOKAL
Dapet link lokal dari agan windra24
Dapet link lokal dari agan windra24

Original Posted By windra24►janji buat TS
link lokal buat download
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_001"]part 1[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_002"]part 2[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_003"]part 3[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_004"]part 4[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_005"]part 5[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_006"]part 6[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_007"]part 7[/URL] 280 MB
kok gede banget sih size nya??? | iya dong,wong softwarenya juga canggih
cara menggabungkan part files baca disini
kalo ada yang crash pada part silahkan PM sy

link lokal buat download
Spoiler for "link":
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_001"]part 1[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_002"]part 2[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_003"]part 3[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_004"]part 4[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_005"]part 5[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_006"]part 6[/URL] 480 MB
[URL="http://www.indo*web*ster...com/download/files/ilife_11_install_dvd_dmg_007"]part 7[/URL] 280 MB
kok gede banget sih size nya??? | iya dong,wong softwarenya juga canggih

cara menggabungkan part files baca disini
kalo ada yang crash pada part silahkan PM sy

Minium Requirement
Tolong Dibaca dulu INDEXnya ya sebelum posting disini
Bisa juga single linknnya
credits to agan QuendeeL
Original Posted By Prazzelicious►dibaca ini dulu brur 
kalo sudah memenuhi spek diatas brarti agan bisa menikmti iLife 2011
taro pejwan agan TS

\tMac computer with an Intel processor
\t1GB of RAM
\t5GB of disk space
\tDVD drive for installation
\tDisplay with 1280 by 768 resolution or higher
Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later*
\tMac computer with an Intel processor
\t1GB of RAM
\t5GB of disk space
\tDVD drive for installation
\tDisplay with 1280 by 768 resolution or higher
Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later*
kalo sudah memenuhi spek diatas brarti agan bisa menikmti iLife 2011

taro pejwan agan TS

Tolong Dibaca dulu INDEXnya ya sebelum posting disini

Bisa juga single linknnya
credits to agan QuendeeL
Q : gan kalo mau nginstall, kalo masi leopard bisa nggak?
A: harus upgrade dulu ke snow leopard gan
Q: Gan, ane udah versi snow leopard, kok tetep ga bisa ya?
A: cek lagi minimum requirement adalah 10.6.3
Q: Gan, udah versi 10.6.3 sampe 10.6.6 kok iPhotonya ga bisa dibuka ya
A: harus di update dulu ke iPhoto 9.1 gan
Q: Gan, ane pake iLife 09 data2 ane ilang nggak
A: ga ilang gan apps aja yang diupgrade data nggak ilang
Q: Gan, ane ga bisa donglotnya
A: makanya donk baca page one
Q: Ane uda donlot gan...tapi iPhoto kok ga bisa
A: Coba ke Software Update gan
Q: TS nya kok ganteng sih??(OOT)
A: Emang
Credits to agan Prazzelicious
Q : gan kalo mau nginstall, kalo masi leopard bisa nggak?
A: harus upgrade dulu ke snow leopard gan
Q: Gan, ane udah versi snow leopard, kok tetep ga bisa ya?
A: cek lagi minimum requirement adalah 10.6.3
Q: Gan, udah versi 10.6.3 sampe 10.6.6 kok iPhotonya ga bisa dibuka ya
A: harus di update dulu ke iPhoto 9.1 gan
Q: Gan, ane pake iLife 09 data2 ane ilang nggak
A: ga ilang gan apps aja yang diupgrade data nggak ilang
Q: Gan, ane ga bisa donglotnya
A: makanya donk baca page one
Q: Ane uda donlot gan...tapi iPhoto kok ga bisa
A: Coba ke Software Update gan
Q: TS nya kok ganteng sih??(OOT)
A: Emang

Credits to agan Prazzelicious
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Diubah oleh DemonicZeus 19-12-2013 11:35

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