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TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

Gan.. ane lg demen bgd nih ama band asal Jerman yg nama nya Tokio Hotel..
naah ane mau sedikit share ttg mereka k agan2 semua deh..
emoticon-Angkat Beer

TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

Tokio Hotel
Siapakah Mereka ?

Tokio Hotel [kio hotɛl ke ː] adalah band yang didirikan di Jerman Magdeburg, Jerman pada 2001 oleh singer Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz gitar, drum Gustav Schäfer dan bassist Georg Daftar.

Si Kembar Tom dan Bill Kaulitz telah bermain di konser kecil kecilan di saat mereka masih berusia 10 tahun.,
mereka bertemu dengan Georg Listing dan Gustav Schaefer dan membentuk sebuah band., dari 2001 mereka bermain di pameran bakat.

Pada 2003 mereka didekati oleh Peter Hoffman, seorang eksekutif musik dari perusahaan terbesar di dunia, Universal Records. Di titik ini, mereka berganti nama band mereka menjadi " Tokio Hotel " ; 'Tokio', diambil karena Tokyo merupakan kota favorit, dan cita-cita mereka untuk bermain di Tokyo 'Hotel', karena mereka disibukkan dengan tur-tur di Eropa dan Amerika, sehingga mereka sering tidur di hotel.

Mereka mengeluarkan debut pertama,yaitu album " Schrei "pada Agustus 2005. Dan dengan cepat mendapat kepopuleran di Jerman. Tokio Hotel menghasilkan " Schrei-Noch Lauter ". Pada 2006. " Zimmer 483 " diluncurkan pada Februari 2007, dan sekarang mereka telah sukses di Amerika dengan album terbarunya " Scream ".

ini sdkt ulasan tentang personil nya gan:


TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

Bill Kaulitz (born 1 September 1989 in Leipzig, Germany) [1] is a German singer, songwriter, voice actor, designer and model. He is best known for his work from 2001 to the present as the lead singer of the band Tokio Hotel.
His parents, Simone and Jörg Kaulitz, separated when Kaulitz and his brother Tom were seven. Eventually his mother began dating again. After being in a relationship with him for 12 years, Simone married Gordon from the German rock band Fatun, on August 1, 2009.[2][3]

Kaulitz showed an early interest in singing, as did Tom in playing guitar. Trümper noticed the twins' musical inclinations, and helped the twins to start their own band.[1][4][5] According to Kaulitz in several interviews, he and Tom started writing music at the age of seven.


TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

Tom Kaulitz was born on September 1, 1989 in Leipzig ten minutes before his identical twin brother, Bill. Since September 2007, Tom uses Gibson guitars and Mesa/Boogie Rectifier Heads with Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinets.[34] He has stated his musical influences to be Aerosmith[35] and German hip-hop such as Samy Deluxe.[7]


TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

Georg Listing was born on 31 March 1987. His hometown is Halle. He began playing bass when he was thirteen-years-old,[7] and, as of September 2007, uses a Sandberg bass.[34] He has said that his playing style was heavily influenced by Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers,[36] and other musical influences include Die Ärzte and Oasis.[7]


TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

Gustav Schäfer was born on 8 September 1988 in his hometown of Magdeburg. He currently lives in Magdeburg and in the temporary home in Hamburg where the studio is. Gustav has been playing the drums since he was five. His musical influences include Metallica, Joe Crocker, and Rod Stewart.


Lagu2 mereka yg jadi kesukaan ane gan:
-world behind my wall
-love and death
-that day
-ready set go

ini ada beberapa video mereka gan..sorry klo ga muncul.. emoticon-Ngakak

"World Behind My Wall"



okee gan... segitu dulu yaa...thanks uda nyimak sorry klo ada yg ga berkenan.. :maho

"cendol donk gan" hahahahaa... emoticon-Big Grin

TOKIO HOTEL! mantab gan ^^

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