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The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]

The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]
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![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/u.kaskus.co.id/5/41uu4hbj.gif)
AlhamdulillahBanget Gan! Ni Trit Ga Repost ![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.laymark.com/i/m/m121.gif)
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.laymark.com/i/m/m121.gif)
Hotel megah yang terletak di Sun City, Afrika Selatan ini dibangun oleh kelompok pengusaha properti Sun International, kompleks luas nan megah itu menurut sejarah, dulunya merupakan sebuah kerajaan yang dibangun zaman peradaban kuno Afrika Utara. mereka tinggal menghada bukit-bukit yang berada di sekitar kawah kuno yang berada di tempat yang disebut Valley of the Sun. konon, lokasi itu hancur akibat gempa bumi. bertahun-tahun kemudian, tempat magis ini dibangun kembali. tempat itu diubah menjadi kompleks istana yang menjadi lokasi resort yang sangat menawan. denganinterior megah, 338 kamar mewah, lokasi itu benar-benar kembali disulap jadi istana. apalagi, masih ditambah 4 royal suite, yakni The King, Royal, Africa, dan Desert.
Hamparan hutan buatan seluas 62 hektar, lapangan golf, bahkan pantai buatan menjadikan lokasi liburan yang tak terlupakan.
hotel ini dihuni oleh para WAGs para pemain sepak bola yang sedang berlaga disana pada Piala Dunia Juni-Juli lalu, mereka disajikan kamar luas dengan nuansa mewah, restoran yang menyajikan makanan asli afrika, dua kasino, sejumlah toko desainer, dua klub malam, beberapa spa mewah, restoran gourmet dan chic bar, taman safari nan besar, dan cagar alam tempat penangkaran buaya serta beberapa fasilitas lain yang bisa membuat siapa pun merasa, inilah Afrika sebenarnya.
hotel ini dihuni oleh para WAGs para pemain sepak bola yang sedang berlaga disana pada Piala Dunia Juni-Juli lalu, mereka disajikan kamar luas dengan nuansa mewah, restoran yang menyajikan makanan asli afrika, dua kasino, sejumlah toko desainer, dua klub malam, beberapa spa mewah, restoran gourmet dan chic bar, taman safari nan besar, dan cagar alam tempat penangkaran buaya serta beberapa fasilitas lain yang bisa membuat siapa pun merasa, inilah Afrika sebenarnya.
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.safaris-direct.net/safari-pictures/large/Sun-2520City-2520from-2520air.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_7731E4A0-3048-78A8-DB2D014EB79A9740.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.goway.com/africa/afr_img/safrica/Palace-of-the-Lost-City-aerial480.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.goway.com/africa/afr_img/safrica/palace-of-lost-city600.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_773399E3-3048-78A8-DB7B2FE5135648C4.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.fivestaralliance.com/files/fsa/nodes/2009/10545/95528_1_fsa-g.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_77342962-3048-78A8-DB76C47C07320FBB.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_773649DD-3048-78A8-DBBF719793BE42F7.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_77375067-3048-78A8-DBFB8C0E2522DBB1.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_7737C694-3048-78A8-DBDF4DF5F3BA15E4.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.watg.com/uploads/images/portfolio_77382D30-3048-78A8-DBAD2ED65CF23F9E.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.goway.com/africa/afr_img/safrica/Palace-of-the-Lost-City-standard480.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.goway.com/africa/afr_img/safrica/Palace-of-the-Lost-City-Luxury-int480.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.goway.com/africa/afr_img/safrica/Palace-of-the-Lost-City-golf-course.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
Spoiler for megah:
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.staysa.co.za/files/products/large/250609115715tQqwHIO3r0.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.wayfaring.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/lost-city-wave-pool-at-sun-city-resort.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/imagecache6.allposters.com/LRG/28/2814/32KOD00Z.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/i15.photobucket.com/albums/a399/england2006/suncitypic.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn<img src=https://s.kaskus.id/images/smilies/sumbangan/6.gif data-sceditor-emoticon=:p border=0 alt=emoticon-Stick Out Tongue title=Stick Out Tongue/>atxMf3mZHxMAM::&t=1&usg=__AT4O4E93lB2aigLCPuxcA9bXijY=)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.africa-in-style.co.za/images/rsa-8.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/cache.virtualtourist.com/1790881-View_of_the_Palace_of_the_Lost_City-Sun_City.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/21/74/a8/palace-hotel-sun-city.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/blog.sa-venues.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/sun-city.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.thejakartaglobe.com/media/images/large/20090616164839477.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.golfing-safaris.co.za/pics/palace-02.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/00/13/82/67/waterfall-lagoon-in-front.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/media.hotelvideoreviews.com/images/full/c375b82f0deed8f269b97bc48d684d1e.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.safaris-direct.net/safari-pictures/large/Palace_elephant.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/farm4.static.flickr.com/3451/3776417370_ac9cc546f3.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.shutter-release.co.uk/Photos/IMG_12076.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/image.pegs.com/images/LW/LW6053/lw6053_b2.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/image.pegs.com/images/LW/LW6053/lw6053_b4.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/image.pegs.com/images/LW/LW6053/lw6053_b6.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/image.pegs.com/images/LW/LW6053/lw6053_b5.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.elegantresorts.co.uk/WebImages/ImageStore1/013927.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
Spoiler for megah:
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/ausgolf.com.au/files/suncitylc18a.jpg)
Spoiler for megah:
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.sunway.ie/gallery/Images/Accom_SAASPA1.jpg)
gimana gan?pengen ngerasain kemewahanya?siapin aj dana Rp7juta hingga Rp 67 jutaanpermalam utk merasakan resort termewah ini..

Jangan Lupa Rate
dan Komeng Gan!
Please No Junk
Kalo Udah ISO klo Berkenan Bolehlah kirimin ane
Tapi Ane Jangan Ditimpukin ma
ya gan..
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/i46.tinypic.com/1i7bb.gif)
Please No Junk

Kalo Udah ISO klo Berkenan Bolehlah kirimin ane
![The Palace of the Lost City, Hotel Megah nan Mewah di Afrika [+pict]](https://dl.kaskus.id/i47.tinypic.com/2vdfjbp.jpg)
Tapi Ane Jangan Ditimpukin ma

[center]Trakai Castle. Kastil Megah di Tengah Danau[/center][CENTER]Teknologi Canggih di Kaus Sepak Bola Nike[/CENTER][CENTER]10 Orang yang Menghilang Tanpa Jejak[/CENTER][CENTER]8 Monster Menakutkan di Filipina[/CENTER][CENTER]5 Tempat Misterius[/CENTER][CENTER]Elang Laut Mesin Terbang Hidup Paling Mengesankan[/CENTER] [center]Memotivasi Anak Agar Mau Berolahraga[/center][center]10 Pembalap Legendaris F1[/center][center]Pakaian Peredam Emosi[/center][center]Satu Bulan Penentu Perdamaian Muslim, Kristen dan Yahudi[/center][CENTER]Benda yang Terinspirasi Ritsleting[/CENTER]

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