hi agan2, ada yang udah main lego universe yang closed beta? aku sih udah, nah yang udah dapet key nya, ayo ikut main, cuma katanya servernya on terbatas, ini jadwal nya
Original Posted By skyguardian18►Oh ya, ternayata official launch nya berbayar sekitar $14.59, jadi siapin uang aja segitu........
donlot updatenya 1 giga
11am - 9pm (EDT)
2pm - 8pm (EDT)
8am - 11am (EDT)
17.00 - 03.00 (CEST)
20.00 - 02.00 (CEST)
14.00 - 17.00 (CEST)
Berarti sekitar jam malem
bqagi yg gak dapet jangan kecil hati habis yang ini masih closed, nanti open betanya pasti keluar
nih info gamenya:
Via Gameqq
Perlahan tapi pasti, satu bagian demi satu bagian LEGO Universe masih dalam pengembangan.
LEGO Universe adalah sebuah massively multiplayer online game yang sedang dikembangkan oleh LEGO Group. Game ini akan menggabungkan kesenangan, kualitas, dan kreatifitas produk LEGO di dalam lingkungan baru dunia online
Menamakan LEGO Universe sebagai "massively multiplayer" berarti ribuan fans LEGO akan berkumpul di satu tempat ini, dalam sebuah "persistent" game world yang selalu berevolusi karena aksi para pemainnya. Dalam LEGO Universe, pemain akan berkreasi, membangun, dan berpetualang bersama.
LEGO Universe direncanakan untuk rilis dalam bentuk DVD dan digital download pada tahun 2010 mendatang. Kemungkinan besar akan memberlakukan sistem Pay-to-Play dengan biaya bulanan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai LEGO Universe kamu dapat mengunjungi http://universe.lego.com.
Via Wikipedia
Lego Universe takes place in an alternate universe populated by Lego minifigures. Many years ago, a team of minifigures went off to seek the last essence of pure imagination. Once they found it, Baron Typhonus used the imagination to create a giant chaotic spider to demonstrate the power of imagination. The spider took him into the source of pure imagination and created a dark force known as the Maelstrom. This being of dark imagination is able to turn otherwise innocent minifigures and creatures into Stromlings.
After the creation of the Maelstrom, the remaining explorers formed the Nexus Force, an organization devoted to the protection of the remaining imagination. After the formation, however, the leaders were unable to agree on the best method of defeating the Maelstrom. Thus, the Nexus Force was divided into three Factions, each with a unique speciality: building (the Assembly), battling (the Sentinels) and exploring (the Venture League). The three explorers then recruited the Baron's former assistant, Vanda Darkflame, to lead a fourth Faction: the Paradox, devoted to Maelstrom research.
Once the Nexus Force was established, a headquarters was required to organize the many minifigs coming to help. Doc Overbuild oversaw the construction of the Nexus Tower, the base of the Nexus Force. The tower had two other purposes: to protect the last piece of pure imagination, and serve as a beacon of unity and hope for the future of imagination.
Now, great plans are in place to push back the power of the Maelstrom, and restore harmony to the universe.[6] Players will join together to help the people of the Lego Universe battle the Maelstrom and its Stromling army.
Spoiler for trailer:
bagi yang mo add screenshoot, PM aku ya....
download at here: Click here