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iRead - e-Books, Training Series, & Apple Magazines
iRead - e-Books, Training Series, & Apple Magazines

iRead - e-Books, Training Series, & Apple Magazines

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  1. Thread ini dibuat untuk Sharing E-Book tentang  Macintosh

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  1. Do not spam.
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Mac OS X and the Digital Lifestyle
Learn Cocoa on the Mac
Mac OS X Server Essentials v10.6: A Guide to Using and Supporting Mac OS X Server v10.6

Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed
Switching to The Mac

iCreate - January 2010 (Spain)

Apple Training Series iWork'09
Mac Format - February 2010
iPhone Life - Winter 2010 Vol. 2, No. 1

Wiley::Mac Portable Genius (Pack)

Mac OS X for Unix Geeks\t

MacUser \t

Steve Johnson, Perspection Inc., "Mac OS X Snow Leopard On Demand"

Paul McFedries, "Mac OS X Snow Leopard In Depth"

MacLife \t

Ken McMahon, Nik Rawlinson, "Apple Aperture 3: A Workflow Guide for Digital Photographers"

IPhone Life - Vol.2 No4 (September/October 2010)
Mac|Life Magazine September 2010

iPhone Life \t

Mac Format \t

600 iBooks for iPhone iPad | 203.6Mb

Mac Life - November 2010\t

iPad & iPhone User Magazine - August 2010
iPad & iPhone User - October 2010

Mac|Life - October 2010
Mac|Life - November 2010 (26.7 Mb)

Macworld - October 2010 (33.6 Mb)
Macworld - November 2010 (36.7 Mb)

MacUser - 10 September 2010 (44.8 Mb)
MacUser - 24 September 2010 (43.9 Mb)
MacUser - 08 October 2010 (40.1 Mb)

Mac|Life – December 2010\t

Macworld - December 2010

Mac Format - October 2010\t

Mike Collins, "Choosing and Using Audio and Music Software: A guide to the major software applications for Mac and PC"

Mac Format - December 2010 \t

How to Do Everything MacBook

Macworld - January 2011 (38.5 Mb)

Macworld UK - Christmas 2010 (43 Mb)\t
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