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hasil chat Omegle dengan orang Turki (super kocak!)

hasil chat Omegle dengan orang Turki (super kocak!)
ini conversation nya..doi bisa ngomong bahasa Jawa, gan! 
gw ngakunya cewek orang Spanyol..
ini yg paling kocak :
dan ini korbannya...
no sara, gan just for fun
buat neng Adriana ...maap ya klo ntr banyak anak kaskus nge add:maho
kalo suka rate dong, gan :maho:maho
menerima lemparan

gw ngakunya cewek orang Spanyol..
Spoiler for conversation:
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i
Stranger: hi
You: hola
You: name?
Stranger: yavuz selim u?
You: wow
You: i'm adriana
You: you must be turkish?
Stranger: yes
You: ah..great !
You: i'm spanish
You: what do you do?
You: selim?
Stranger: sex u?
You: what?
You: oh..female
You: =D
Stranger: hmm good
Stranger: have you msn
You: good what?
You: no i dont have
You: hey, i call you Yavuz or..selim?
Stranger: yavuz selim
You: haha..funny
You: LOL
You: okay yavuzselim..what do you do?
Stranger: ı playing okey on fcebook u ?
You: no..i mean work/school?
Stranger: school
Stranger: police college
You: ahh..how old are you?
You: police?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: u?
You: wow
You: youngster
You: why police?
Stranger: good
You: no..not god
You: good
Stranger: job
You: la policía es tonta
Stranger: in enligsh pls
You: :P
You: i'm 23
You: do you have a girlfriend?
Stranger: no
You: see
You: because you're at police academy
You: u don't meet more girl
Stranger: oh right
You: any girl close?
Stranger: 1-2
You: here i give you advice
You: give her a surprise
Stranger: how?
You: idk..
You: anything..give her a breakfast..
You: you come suddenly to her house
You: she's gonna be melt
You: of course you cook it by yourself
Stranger: hmmthx
Stranger: can ı see?
You: welcome
You: what?
Stranger: webcam ?
You: hahahaha
You: no i dont have any
You: sorry
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: have u msn yahoo ...?
You: i can't give em
You: any facebook?
Stranger: yes
You: add me
Stranger: name and surname?
You: adriana ra****
You: (facebook URL)
You: yavuz selim ait?
Stranger: ı added accept?
You: which one??
Stranger: wait
You: ah yeah
You: nice pic
Stranger: thx
You: okay
You: i'll approve you
Stranger: u accept?
You: wait
Stranger: ok
You: insyaallah ya, ga janji
Stranger: very goo
Stranger: good :d
You: emang lu ngerti?
Stranger: in enlisgh pls
You: ah payah kamu :P
Stranger: u accept?
You: hey teach me Turkish
Stranger: example?
You: i love you?
You: ;p
Stranger: seni seviyorum
You: seni seviyorum
You: great !
Stranger: bende
You: what is that?
Stranger: so do ı :d
You: here i teach you spanish
Stranger: thx :d
You: aku tresno kowe = i love you
Stranger: aku tresno kowe

You: yeah
Stranger: are u online in facebook ?
You: not this time
You: too much notification
Stranger: when online in facebook
You: maybe tonight..
You: just message me..
You: kowe asu tenan = i miss you
Stranger: i miss you= seni özledim
You: wow
You: how to type o like that?
Stranger: dont understand
You: ö <---
Stranger: what
You: no..
You: nothing
You: hey, do you like football?
Stranger: yes very
You: yeah me too
You: lovelyTORRES
Stranger: ı playing school clup
You: great!
You: what's your position?
Stranger: forward
You: wow cool
You: just like torres
Stranger: :d
Stranger: for u goal
You: sweet
Stranger: yhx
Stranger: thx
Stranger: :d
You: are you good at poem?
You: make her poem..
You: it will be more romantic in spanish
You: i'll translate it for you
Stranger: very good
Stranger: send me
You: no..i mean you make it in nglish
You: english
You: n i'll translate it for you
Stranger: wait
You: just 4 rows
You: dont to much
Stranger: You have become what you have always been
Light flickering around with real vision
No words we can speak of paths to be chosen
All trails that we trek shall lead us back to here
Because our love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
You gotta believe that love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
Deep within me, turn over secret stones
Forests and fields bleeding with blood and bones
Still no words we can speak of paths to be chosen
All trails that we trek shall lead us back to here
Because our love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
You gotta believe that love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
You: wow?!
You: is that a lyric?
You: it will take a lil bit long
You: wait
You: "Janji lungo mung sedelok
You: Jare sewulan ra ono
You: Pamitmu naliko smono
You: Ning setasiun balapan Solo
Stranger: oh very good
You: Tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar
Cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
You: Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela
You: Ngalor ngidur liwat took numpak motor
You: thats it
Stranger: super
You: it's okay
You: she'll gonna be melt
You: i bet you
Stranger: yhx D
You: yeah
Stranger: can ı see ?
You: oh. i'm sory yavuz
You: i don't have any webcam
You: but i'll send u a message
Stranger: now online i
Stranger: in facebook
You: wait about an hour
You: i'm about to get some food..
You: okay?
Stranger: okey
You: see you, yavuz
You: :-*
Stranger: seni seviyorum sweet
You: in spanish please
Stranger: aku tresno kowe
You: kowe asu tenan
Stranger: what
You: see above..
You: i told you the meaning
Stranger: I fell in love with
You: no
You: it's mean "i miss you"
You: okay
You: dont forget to send her the poem
You: the spanish poem
Stranger: okay
You: see u again
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i
Stranger: hi
You: hola
You: name?
Stranger: yavuz selim u?
You: wow
You: i'm adriana

You: you must be turkish?
Stranger: yes
You: ah..great !

You: i'm spanish
You: what do you do?
You: selim?
Stranger: sex u?
You: what?
You: oh..female
You: =D
Stranger: hmm good
Stranger: have you msn
You: good what?

You: no i dont have

You: hey, i call you Yavuz or..selim?
Stranger: yavuz selim

You: haha..funny
You: LOL
You: okay yavuzselim..what do you do?
Stranger: ı playing okey on fcebook u ?
You: no..i mean work/school?
Stranger: school
Stranger: police college

You: ahh..how old are you?
You: police?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: u?
You: wow
You: youngster

You: why police?
Stranger: good
You: no..not god
You: good
Stranger: job
You: la policía es tonta
Stranger: in enligsh pls
You: :P
You: i'm 23
You: do you have a girlfriend?
Stranger: no

You: see
You: because you're at police academy
You: u don't meet more girl
Stranger: oh right
You: any girl close?
Stranger: 1-2
You: here i give you advice
You: give her a surprise
Stranger: how?
You: idk..
You: anything..give her a breakfast..
You: you come suddenly to her house
You: she's gonna be melt
You: of course you cook it by yourself
Stranger: hmmthx
Stranger: can ı see?
You: welcome
You: what?
Stranger: webcam ?
You: hahahaha
You: no i dont have any

You: sorry
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: have u msn yahoo ...?
You: i can't give em

You: any facebook?
Stranger: yes
You: add me
Stranger: name and surname?
You: adriana ra****
You: (facebook URL)
You: yavuz selim ait?
Stranger: ı added accept?
You: which one??
Stranger: wait
You: ah yeah
You: nice pic

Stranger: thx

You: okay
You: i'll approve you

Stranger: u accept?
You: wait
Stranger: ok
You: insyaallah ya, ga janji

Stranger: very goo
Stranger: good :d
You: emang lu ngerti?
Stranger: in enlisgh pls
You: ah payah kamu :P
Stranger: u accept?
You: hey teach me Turkish
Stranger: example?
You: i love you?
You: ;p
Stranger: seni seviyorum

You: seni seviyorum
You: great !

Stranger: bende

You: what is that?
Stranger: so do ı :d
You: here i teach you spanish

Stranger: thx :d
You: aku tresno kowe = i love you
Stranger: aku tresno kowe

You: yeah
Stranger: are u online in facebook ?
You: not this time

You: too much notification

Stranger: when online in facebook
You: maybe tonight..
You: just message me..

You: kowe asu tenan = i miss you
Stranger: i miss you= seni özledim
You: wow
You: how to type o like that?
Stranger: dont understand
You: ö <---
Stranger: what
You: no..
You: nothing

You: hey, do you like football?
Stranger: yes very
You: yeah me too
You: lovelyTORRES

Stranger: ı playing school clup

You: great!
You: what's your position?
Stranger: forward
You: wow cool
You: just like torres

Stranger: :d
Stranger: for u goal

You: sweet

Stranger: yhx
Stranger: thx
Stranger: :d
You: are you good at poem?
You: make her poem..
You: it will be more romantic in spanish
You: i'll translate it for you

Stranger: very good
Stranger: send me
You: no..i mean you make it in nglish
You: english
You: n i'll translate it for you
Stranger: wait
You: just 4 rows
You: dont to much
Stranger: You have become what you have always been
Light flickering around with real vision
No words we can speak of paths to be chosen
All trails that we trek shall lead us back to here
Because our love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
You gotta believe that love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
Deep within me, turn over secret stones
Forests and fields bleeding with blood and bones
Still no words we can speak of paths to be chosen
All trails that we trek shall lead us back to here
Because our love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
You gotta believe that love comes again
Just when I've broken love I found
Love can come again
You: wow?!
You: is that a lyric?
You: it will take a lil bit long
You: wait
You: "Janji lungo mung sedelok
You: Jare sewulan ra ono
You: Pamitmu naliko smono
You: Ning setasiun balapan Solo
Stranger: oh very good
You: Tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar
Cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
You: Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela
You: Ngalor ngidur liwat took numpak motor
You: thats it

Stranger: super
You: it's okay

You: she'll gonna be melt
You: i bet you

Stranger: yhx D
You: yeah

Stranger: can ı see ?

You: oh. i'm sory yavuz

You: i don't have any webcam
You: but i'll send u a message

Stranger: now online i
Stranger: in facebook
You: wait about an hour
You: i'm about to get some food..
You: okay?

Stranger: okey
You: see you, yavuz

You: :-*
Stranger: seni seviyorum sweet
You: in spanish please

Stranger: aku tresno kowe
You: kowe asu tenan

Stranger: what
You: see above..
You: i told you the meaning
Stranger: I fell in love with
You: no
You: it's mean "i miss you"
You: okay
You: dont forget to send her the poem
You: the spanish poem
Stranger: okay
You: see u again

ini yg paling kocak :
Spoiler for kocak:

dan ini korbannya...

Spoiler for korban:

buat neng Adriana ...maap ya klo ntr banyak anak kaskus nge add:maho
kalo suka rate dong, gan :maho:maho
menerima lemparan

Diubah oleh kijulbilbo 08-09-2013 06:41

4iinch memberi reputasi

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