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Milanisti Kaskus | A. C. Milano 21/22 | Tutta La Speranza è qui - Part 1
Milanisti Kaskus | A. C. Milano 21/22 | Tutta La Speranza è qui - Part 1


Milanisti Kaskus | A. C. Milano 21/22 | Tutta La Speranza è qui - Part 1

Milanisti Kaskus | A. C. Milano 21/22 | Tutta La Speranza è qui - Part 1

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Futsal Milanisti Kaskus

Milanisti Kaskus | A. C. Milano 21/22 | Tutta La Speranza è qui - Part 1


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Diubah oleh bedulok 24-05-2022 11:19
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Ada beberapa Point disini yang dilakukan Pioli dan terbukti Efektif.

- Perubahan peran dan permainan dari Tonali dari yang sebelumnya DM tapi kemarin cenderung lebih ke CAM, dan keliatannya justru ada celah di pertahanan yang gak ke cover disitu Kessie dan Theo memang tidak ditugaskan untuk maju terlalu ke depan karena memang untuk mengcover posisi yang kosong ketika ada serangan balik.
- Peran Krunic yang bisa dibilang bermain simple tapi visi serangan menjadi lebih jelas dan bola lebih mengalir, sayang beberapa kali ada miss pass justru dari girud.
- Leao mulai bermain secara TIM, dan yes mungkin ini instruksi khusus dari pioli setelah kritik kemarin bertubi tubi karena terlalu banyak memaksakan untuk bermain sendiri.
- Pergantian juga cukup jitu, memasukkan Florenzi dan Ibra bukan untuk menambah Gol tapi untuk menjaga point karena memang pengalaman mereka terutama di ajang penting kayak semalam dibutuhin dan terbukti florenzi menuntaskan peluang dengan baik.

Milanisti Kaskus | A. C. Milano 21/22 | Tutta La Speranza è qui - Part 1

Kredit untuk Florenzi, dia menunjukkan bahwa bermain dengan sepenuh hati dan rasa cintanya terhadap klub yang dibelanya.

Starting XI
Maignan (7): He couldn’t do anything about the goal conceded and wasn’t called into action that many times tonight, in terms of saving. However, he was crucial with his feet in the build-up as Milan often relied on him and he delivered, hence the rating.

Calabria (6.5): A solid performance from the full-back overall but his rating inevitably took a knock due to the duels with Lazovic, which he often lost. It could have been more costly for Milan but the things he did well shouldn’t be forgotten.

Kalulu (7): Every week I write the same thing, he’s just so darn comfortable on the ball and that is such a great trait for a centre-back. Especially in Milan’s system, which gives the youngster a lot of freedom on the ball and it pays off.

Tomori (7): Almost as comfortable on the ball as his colleague and his defensive importance cannot be understated. In a game like tonight, in which Milan pressed high, it’s absolutely crucial to have two fast defenders.

Hernandez (6.5): Just like his opposite man, it was a good performance overall but there were also some strange decisions. He looked a bit nervous, to be honest, and perhaps his inverted role wasn’t that successful tonight. That said, his presence is still important.

Tonali (9 – MOTM): One of the highest ratings we have handed out this season, and boy does he deserve it. The midfielder put in a stunning performance from start to finish, in both phases of the game. He worked tirelessly and putting him in a more advanced role tonight was a decider. Two goals to celebrate his birthday in style.

Kessie (7): He’s so important for Milan in physical games like this one, working tirelessly to either disturb the opponents or retain the ball. His rating would’ve been higher if it wasn’t for his poor technique at times, but otherwise great.

Saelemaekers (6.5): He’s just short of a 7 this evening, which may sound harsh given that he was crucial on the second goal. It was definitely an improvement compared to recent weeks. In fact, it was even encouraging, but the final touch is still lacking at times.

Krunic (7): His smartness is clearly why Pioli wants to keep him in this team. Unlike a player like Diaz, the Bosnian is very comfortable with keeping the ball without seeking a dribble or trying to do something spectacular. And most of the time, that is positive as he often picks the right pass thanks to his cool head.

Leao (8.5): His importance is undeniable and it was a shame that he was booked in the first half (one more and he’s suspended). The assists for Tonali were perfect examples of his biggest strengths and without him, Milan probably wouldn’t have won his clash.

Giroud (5.5): It wasn’t his night as he struggled to control the ball most of the time, and also the fact that he wasn’t really that involved in the open play. A performance to forget for the veteran.

Rebic (7): His pressing came in handy towards the end of the game and he also should have had an assist for Messias, who missed a great chance. It was just the right player to sub on at that stage of the game.

Messias (6.5): It could have been a higher rating if it hadn’t been for that miss at the end, which didn’t mean anything but still shows he needs to work harder. The assist for Florenzi’s goal was a nice little flick and he deserves praise for that.

Bennacer (6.5): He was very quiet when he first came on and he didn’t really have that many successful touches. Fortunately, he improved as the game went on and it was decent in the end.

Ibrahimovic (6): He didn’t get that much playing time and he wasn’t really that involved in the end, hence the rating. That said, he will be important in the final two games.

Florenzi (8): What an impact off the bench! That’s the kind of finish we would like to see from our right-wingers, but we all know what this man is capable of. Fantastic goal and a great (experienced) display.

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