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BREAKING: India and Pakistan descend into CONFLICT

BREAKING: India and Pakistan descend into CONFLICT as civilians killed and jets shot down

THE simmering tension between Pakistan and India appears to have erupted into full-blown conflict as jets were shot down today, a spokesman for the Pakistan armed forces said.

This comes a day after Indian warplanes struck inside Pakistan for the first time since a war in 1971, prompting leading powers to urge the nuclear armed rivals to show restraint.

Tensions have been elevated since a suicide car bombing by Pakistan-based militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary police on Febuary 14.

The risk of conflict rose dramatically on Tuesday when India launched an air strike on what it said was a militant training base.

The attack targeted the Jaish-e-Mohammed militant, the group that claimed credit for the suicide attack. But while India said a large number of JeM fighters had been killed, Pakistani officials said the Indian airstrike was a failure and inflicted no casualties.

BREAKING: India and Pakistan descend into CONFLICT
SHOT DOWN: The plane (not pictured) was taken out over Kashmir (Pic: GETTY)

BREAKING: India and Pakistan descend into CONFLICT
TENSIONS: Indian and Pakistani troops regularly exchange fire (Pic: GETTY)

Indian air force planes strayed into Pakistani airspace on Wednesday after Pakistan had carried out airstrikes in Indian-occupied Kashmir, said Major General Asif Ghafoor, a spokesman for the Pakistan armed forces.

"PAF shot down two Indian aircraft inside Pakistani airspace," he said in a tweet.

One of the aircraft fell on India's side of Kashmir, while the second came down in Pakistani-held territory, and its pilot was captured, he added.

A spokesman for India's defence ministry was not immediately available for comment.

Police officials in Indian-occupied Kashmir said that two Indian pilots and a civilian had died after an Indian air force plane crashed in Kashmir, but did not confirm if the plane had been shot down by Pakistani forces.

Indian officials said three Pakistani jets had also entered Indian airspace, before being intercepted and forced turned back.

"The Indian air force has ordered Kashmir's main airport in Srinagar along with at least three others in neighbouring states to be closed because of the two incidents, an official said.

On Tuesday evening, Pakistan began shelling using heavy calibre weapons in 12 to 15 places along the de facto border in Kashmir, known as the Line of Control (LoC), a spokesman for the Indian defence forces said.

"The Indian Army retaliated for effect and our focused fire resulted in severe destruction to five posts and number of casualties," the spokesman said.

Five Indian soldiers suffered minor wounds in the shelling that ended on Wednesday morning, he added.

BREAKING: India and Pakistan descend into CONFLICT
KASHMIR: Both nations have laid claim to the region (Pic: GETTY)

BREAKING: India and Pakistan descend into CONFLICT
WAR: India and Pakistan have fought three conflicts over Kashmir (Pic: GETTY)

"So far there are no (civilian) casualties but there is panic among people," said Rahul Yadav, the deputy commissioner of the Poonch district where some of the shelling took place.

"We have an evacuation plan in place and if need arises we will evacuate people to safer areas," he said.

Local officials on the Pakistani side said at least four people had been killed and seven wounded, though it was unclear if the casualties were civilian or military.

India has also continued its krackdown on suspected militants operating in Kashmir, a mountainous region that both countries claim in full but rule in part.

Berita dari temen ane di New Delhi, orang2 di sana lagi pada panik, menimbun stok makanan sebulan.

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Mau diupgrade bagaimanapun, Mig 21 ya tetap Mig 21, meskipun labelnya Bison. Ibarat Kijang Kapsul jaman lawas, diupgrade bagaimana pun gak akan bisa berubah jadi Kijang Innova.

Tapi jangan meremehkan Pakistan, pilot-pilot Pakistan itu termasuk salah satu yang terbaik di dunia, pernah berhadapan dengan pilot-pilot India, Uni Soviet dan Israel, dan selalu menang. Dalam perang 6 hari 1967 dan Yom Kippur 1973 aja dalam dogfight antara pilot-pilot Pakistan yang menunggangi pesawat-pesawat negara-negara Arab melawan pilot-pilot Israel, terbukti pilot-pilot Pakistan berhasil menembak jatuh setidaknya 10 pesawat Israel dan tidak ada satupun yang jatuh di pihak Pakistan, skor ace-nya saja 10 - 0. Hebat di AU-nya meskipun dalam perang gak pernah menang (Komandan Pasukan Mujahidin Afghanistan dalam Perang melawan Uni Soviet, pernah mengeluh tentang sikap Pakistan yang saat itu membantu gerilyawan Mujahidin, mengatur-ngatur strategi tempur. "Bagaimana mungkin kita orang Afghanistan yang tidak pernah kalah perang, sekarang diatur-atur dan diceramahi tentang strategi tempur oleh negara yang tidak pernah menang perang sekalipun / maksudnya Pakistan).
Diubah oleh markjankulovski 28-02-2019 05:25