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Is Kaskus Going to Die?


Existing Condition
As you can see yourself, the amount of thread being watched or replied is very low. How could that happen? Well, believe it or not the popularity of Kaskus has been plummeted compared to even 8-9 years ago. The Lounge, main forum in Kaskus is not that "crowded". If the main forum is not crowded than how can you expect the others to be crowded? Especially this forum, English forum. Even though back then this forum is already deserted, now this forum condition is even worse. But there's one improvement to this forum, at least the amount of thread about english course ads is very low (either it's because the low traffic or the moderators has been active again. It's a good improvement nonetheless).
Spoiler for spoiler:

How It Used To Be
In 2009 when the domain is still .us until Kaskus is very popular the server broke down several times due to over posting. This was handled by adding captcha (capcay) every time you try to post. But still that didn't solve the issue. Over posting still happened all the time. Although over posting may be due to capacity of server that can't handle the post but still this shows us how popular it is back then.

In 2012 there's a big event, kaskus is getting redesigned there's a time when you can get an invitation to try kaskus beta (basically this kaskus version is what you see today). Then after getting feedback and the design is pretty much done, kaskus migrated  from to I think this migration is a big news that bring people to ngaskus. What I hate from this new kaskus design is you can't personalise your profile page emoticon-Frown, for me,  I don't feel the exclusivity anymore (the only one way to feel exclusive is through kaskus donatemoticon-Big Grin). Back then, quick reply is only for donator or what you call today a premium user.

Efforts Made
Striving for its traffic, kaskus made several efforts. Kaskus made so many events back then, and even more now. Kaskus also made new forums and subforums and also made a media partnership with many companies. Kaskus also make quick reply available for everyone and the captcha had been taken out. Kaskus redesigned FJB and make many promotions to attract seller and buyer because online shopping platform is so many these days. And now, there's this thing called Kreator.
In my opinion, Kreator is a desperate attempt to gain traffic and popularity. Why? Because Kaskus basically pays you to be a content creator. This is actually not wrong because many websites that provides articles and news also do this (you can be their contributor if you want to).

Kaskus is already "playing" in this area (online forum, community based) for almost 19 years. This is actually an achievement for Kaskus as no Indonesian forum stayed this long. But that also forces Kaskus to make a new innovation in order to keep this site going. If those innovations fail, then Kaskus is going to die for sure. What keep it from dying? We are. So keep posting, and keep ngaskusguys! emoticon-Kaskus Lovers:emoticon-I Love Kaskus


Diubah oleh Yggdrasilmaniac 07-04-2018 15:50
JokerDisko666 dan 5 lainnya memberi reputasi
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