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History of the Israeli Special Forces (Part 1).

History of the Israeli special forces. Part One

"No terrorist can no longer feel safe"

Israeli special forces on the topic written a lot of material. From quite sane, good articles to complete nonsense. Scales inexorably leaning toward delirium. I decided to try to write a review of the main Israeli special forces based solely on authoritative sources and personal information.

Today in Israel can count several dozen different and not so elite special forces. This is the police, counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, sabotage, evacuation, engineering and other specialized units of different types of troops, police, border guards.

Their reconnaissance battalions also has virtually every infantry or tank brigade. Plus a number of units assigned to a narrow profile individual combat arms or ministries and agencies.

Many of these units are classified and of course information about them so much. It kind of gives rise to a great variety of all sorts of myths and speculations often reaching to the point of absurdity.

I will describe only a few most famous and illustrious units IDF (Israel Defense Forces). But first, a little section of the ...


Israel Defense Forces (IDF - from Agana CVA Ha Le Yisrael) was founded on May 26, 1948. Two weeks after the declaration of independence and already during the first war of Israel - "War of Independence".

In fact it was a union of several Zionist paramilitary organizations in the army. The backbone of the new army made fighters "Agana" (Defense).

Many of the soldiers who arrived in Israel already had combat experience gained during service in the armies of other countries. They were mostly Jewish soldiers of the British Army, the Polish Army, the Red Army soldiers and guerrilla groups fought on the fields of WWII.

Also in Israel (Mandate Palestine) had a lot of young activists Zionist organizations, of which the British were prepared to repel a possible Nazi invasion of Palestine.

The first such units became Palma (Plugot Mahats - Drums Rota). Many of the children born in Mandatory Palestine joined the ranks of the Jewish paramilitary organizations in the age of 13-14 years. And by 16 become full-fledged soldiers.

The British also prepared saboteurs Jewish fighters, divers, demolition. One of the founders of the Jewish Special Forces may be called Charles Orde Wingate (Wingate).

Orde Charles Wingate - British intelligence officer.

This officer, pierced idea of ​​Zionism and the establishment of the Jewish State, has prepared many future Israeli commandos in the late 30s. Jewish fighters conducted several operations in Lebanon and Syria.

For example, Moshe Dayan performed such special tasks during one he lost an eye.

Given that by 1943, the ninth year of the British situation in Palestine and grew tense places in the guerrilla war against the Zionists, the British Mandate, and given that the Jewish settlements in need of constant protection and preservation of the Arab banditry, in general, people with combat experience at the time of formation state was already quite a lot.

Much more significant problems were related to the lack of weapons and military equipment.

The first profile is a special unit of the IDF assumed Yechida 101 (Division 101). This unit was established on August 5 1953. Initiated the establishment became Colonel Michel Shaham, and the unit commander - Captain Ariel (Arik) Sharon.

Commander Mordechai Maklef agreed with the idea of ​​Shaham and Sharon to create a small, secret, special unit for special operations and sabotage behind enemy lines.

Actually, a young student from the Faculty of History Sharon friends and Colonel commanding the Jerusalem District Shaham and before that "played" in the Arab rear operations. But it is August 53rd Division had official status.

Soldiers marching units 101 note on arms - German MP-40.

While the main submachine gun was a British Common Stan and copies produced in Israel. Stan was capricious and unreliable weapons, so the men of the 101st were armed mainly MP-40 and U.S. Thompsons. Existed for only about five months, units totaling ~ 50 people nevertheless went down in history. Division 101 held a number of effective and daring raids were organized raids on terrorist lairs attackers from neighboring territories controlled by Arab neighbors.

It's the people Sharon became the first unit designed to be proactive, to work hard and uncompromising. In addition to this subdivision Arik Sharon met a lot of very talented, intelligent professionals.

They developed their own doctrine of warfare with the Arab terror. These methods, in spite of its effectiveness, subsequently greatly frightened top army and the State, as the international community has repeatedly condemned the violent methods of Israelis, there were problems in the form of economic and diplomatic sanctions character.

The raid on the village Kibiya

In December 1953, terrorists infiltrated from Jordan threw grenade in one of the houses in the settlement of Yehud. Killed a woman and two young children, and several people were injured.

The Government of Israel responded immediately. Troop 101 in conjunction with the paratroopers of the 890th Battalion put a combat mission - to fight to enter the village Kibiya destroying manpower inflict maximum damage to infrastructure, destroying a number of buildings and infrastructure rout villagers.

At the same time it is still unclear who changed initially softer wording of the order of the General Staff, but Sharon has already got my hands on a more rigid order of the central district.

Fighters of 101 entered the village Kibiya on Jordanian territory and captured her fight. Then undermined the dominant families of 45 houses.

Kibiya was one of the main bases for Arab (if they have not called Palestinian) terrorists. Also nearby was fortified Jordanian, who was also beaten. In flight were addressed and the Arab Legion soldiers were located there.

As a result, the Arab side, killing more than 60 people, including women and children. They hid in cellars and attics, waiting until it's over, and have been inundated with debris blown up houses.

The members of the assault team denied allegations of deliberately killing civilians. According to them, the time for a thorough search of every house was not. They found a girl and an old man who was sent to a neighboring village and began mining in their view empty house.

Apparently fearing some residents sat quietly and hid in cellars, attics and upper floors, hoping to ride out the raid. Thousands of residents of the village ran smoothly. Attempts were repelled Arab counterattacks group cover.

In the order figured two more villages in smaller which also had to come through, but this order was not carried out, there spent only diversions knotting shootout. Sharon reported on the quest noting about 15 enemies killed.

The UN and the international community has traditionally condemned the raid. What, exactly, is not surprising given the number of civilians killed. As a result, this led to sanctions political and economic nature, the United States refused to sell arms to Israel.

Division 101 was soon formally disbanded, although his entire skeleton joined the 890 th airborne battalion, and Arik Sharon in fact became a battalion commander. Besides episode Kibie was some more "puncture" division ended scandals.


There are various estimates of Action 101 units, ranging from the fact that it was the best and most effective methods to combat terrorism and to the fact that it was fascist methods punishers.

Nevertheless, from a technical point of view it was perfectly planned and entirely different operations than those previously conducted IDF soldiers. Within 4 months of its operation unit 101 caused a lot of noise and sowed panic among the Arabs.

No terrorist could no longer feel safe. Soldiers attacked unit 101 refugee camps on the fortified Arab villages, blowing up homes, ambushes, took no prisoners, which led to the demoralization of the enemy.

There were no more boundaries for which it was safe. Terrorists could expect an attack on the Egyptian and Jordanian territory, in the camp and on the march. Israelis Bedouin tribes chased the robbers in the hot Negev desert, wreaking havoc and panic in their ranks.

They spent a grueling 42-kilometer round trip marshbrosok cold and snowy night in hilly terrain Hebron in order to undermine the home of one of the main Arab terrorists.

Although in fact, this unit is not held anything even remotely resembling the complexity of the operation of the British SAS, for example. But this is what has given rise to a division and laid a solid foundation in the formation of the legendary IDF units, which soon showed the world how to fight terror.

That soldiers of this unit and became the progenitors of the concept developers daring commando raids behind enemy lines, which were then an integral part of any Israeli war and military operations.

In the ranks of the unit, and it occurred on the basis of 890 Battalion, were raised by some of the most legendary commanders of the army, rising later to ministers, chiefs of the General Staff and the most senior posts in the army and the state.


And while 1954 began the year 101 and the division was disbanded. Ariel Sharon was the commander of the 890 th airborne assault battalion. More than half of the 101 fighters integrated into the new unit.

Part considered that larger connection with more stringent rules is not for them and dispersed to anyone. However, Sharon kept the backbone of its people out of 101, each of which deserves a separate full-fledged story.

In the same year, Yitzhak Rabin, who was then the position of head of department of personnel training at the Joint Staff, proposed to establish his own school IDF special forces. The main aim was to increase the level of physical, tactical and special forces officers willed preparation.

Reconnaissance 890 th Airborne Battalion 1954. Weapon MP-40 and U.S. PP Thompson.
Arik Sharon and his deputy at the 890th Battalion Aharon Davidi developed a detailed program for selection, training and certification for the school's special forces. The program included three grueling months of intensive training at the air assault troops Tel Nof.

Cadets, mostly became IDF officers with a good physical preparation. The program included parachute training, unarmed combat, tactics, demining and other business disciplines.

Fighters for working off-hand combat skills. In the corner of the icon of course completion melee.

Ariel Sharon and Aaron David. Israeli Uzi PP on the shoulder of Aaron David. "Black Arrow" was the first military operation where used a new Israeli submachine gun. So for the first time used a grenade assault group "Bazooka".

By 1955, the ninth year strongly tense situation on the borders of Israel. Syria, Egypt, Jordan defeated in 1948 still wanted to be rehabilitated.

In fact it was creeping war - Arab terrorists still attacked and attacks, people are still dying. SWAT again spent retaliation.

Sharon realized that not enough to punish individual extremists, it is necessary to deprive them of the support of neighboring states. Therefore, support for terrorists often punished neighboring countries. Features of the existing conflict dictated the conditions for effective control.

"Black Arrow" 28.02-01.03 1955

In the Gaza Strip (then in Egypt) took the cause of which was the operation a series of murders and attacks in the border area, penetrated by terrorists from Gaza. Received an order to carry out sabotage on a military base near Gaza City.

The purpose of the operation - disabling the water system, undermining the train station, the destruction of infrastructure. Army manpower Egyptians could destroy only if it interfere with the job.

Command was tasked with Sharon. In operation involved as alumni SWAT and younger men - graduates paratroop commander's courses. The operation was performed, though a bit delayed.

Egyptian losses - 37 killed and 31 wounded, the loss of paratroopers - 8 killed and 13 wounded.

It was the first IDF operation aimed strictly against the enemy army. Egyptians on the results of operations were hastily armed with new Soviet weapons, formally purchased from Czechoslovakia, which eventually led to the Sinai campaign of 1956 with disastrous results for the Egyptians.

Several officers of special forces 890 battalion received the highest military award for bravery shown in the field of battle.

Sharon examines trophies after another sting operation. In this operation, a prisoner was captured six Syrians in exchange for kidnapped soldier at the border, as well as captive soldiers paratroopers.

"Sea of Galilee" 11/12/1955

The official reasons for the operation were attacks on Israeli fishing vessels and coast guard boats on the Syrian side. More than 20 cases of shooting at fishing boats were registered in November, including the firing of a gun on a Coast Guard cutter - the damage occurred, no dead.

However there is a version that in addition to this reason that prompted Israeli retaliatory actions, there was another. All the same incipient purchase weapons Egyptians in Czechoslovakia.

The fact that between Syria and Egypt, there was a military alliance binding immediately enter the war. Thus, attacking Syria or Israel tore this alliance if Egypt does not plead for an ally, Egypt or forced to join the war on favorable terms for Israel because of the Soviet arms deliveries only just begun.

IDF commanders did not like the prospect that Egypt will purchase 150 MiG-15/17 and then attack Israel. At that time, the IDF Air Force jets did not have the ability to effectively confront the MiG-15 and, especially, the MiG-17.

Also MiG Egypt "acquired" the same IL-28 bombers, T-34 tanks, BTR-120 self-propelled guns and other weapons.

Nevertheless, the operation itself was to destroy Syrian fortified settlements along the east coast of the Sea of ​​Galilee. Also, capture of Syrian officers to be exchanged for four scouts Golani Infantry Brigade captured the Syrians captured almost a year ago.

Main strike force operations was 890 Battalion Sharon, who is also commander of the entire operation. To support were allocated auxiliary parts - the gunners, the Coast Guard and a detachment of infantry brigades Givati.

SWAT night coped with the operation and took control points. It was finally killed nearly 60 Syrian soldiers and officers, 30 more were captured. Six commandos killed and 14 injured. For his heroism on the battlefield 890 th officers were awarded amongst IDF.

Egyptians captured weapons taken as a result of 20 minute assault army base behind the enemy lines in the Sinai Peninsula. Together with captured weapons paratroopers carried out this operation and still 29 Egyptian soldiers and officers, some were wounded, so were literally handed.

Commander of the General Staff Moshe Dayan examines trophies operation "Egged" - Alpha machine guns (Egyptian clone eponymous Spanish gun) on the basis of the Tel Nof. Arik Sharon and Meir Har Zion accompany the team.

Browning machine gun captured fighters 890go battalion in retaliation. These weapons were seized in the Jordanian police station.

Decision to attack the police station came after the attack on the soldiers of the Arab Legion unit IDF reservists during exercise 09.10.56. Then killed six Israeli military, on the second day fighters combined detachment of 890 th and 88 th Airborne battalions attacked the Jordanian plot and blew it up.

In this battle, Meir Har Zion was seriously wounded and the battalion surgeon 890go operated it directly in the field until the battle was. Bold decision doctor saved the life of the commander - needed a tracheotomy because the bullet pierced his throat and stuck in his head.

Overall, between 1953 and 1956 took place amid a smoldering conflict. The Arabs continued to attack Israelis commandos answered shares retaliation.

Retaliation carried out much less frequently than Arab attack, but in almost every such action Arabs suffered very heavy losses. Division 101 Ariel Sharon initiated a very glorious and rich history of the Israeli special forces.

This was a key moment, because from that moment the IDF of passively defending army has turned into an army capable of proactive, preventive strikes, wreaking havoc and demoralize the enemy.

Each of these enemies in these couple of years felt that such retaliation carried out by special forces. Doctrine, tradition, creed of the unit within a few years flew on many other units that began to develop in the army after the successes of units 101 and 890 battalion of paratroopers.

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Author Nicholas Mikurich
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