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Sharing pengalaman dengan DHL Indonesia & Amazon Jepang
Ane mau share pengalaman saat ane dikenakan biaya siluman alias "Handling Charge" yang seenaknya dibebankan DHL seharga 200.000 IDR

Jadi kronologisnya,
Tgl 28 Juni ane pesen 2 keping CD dari
Tanggal 1 Juli kmren pas ane track, barang uda ama kurir, seneng banget donk yah. Tinggal duduk manis dirumah doank artinya sambil nunggu barang dateng. Eh tapi pas jam 3 sore ane ditelpon ama kurir DHL, dy bilang,
"Selamat Sore Bu, ini XXX DHL , ada paket dari amazon Jepang untuk Ibu, tapi kena biaya 200.000"
Langsung kagetnya bukan main, barang ane cuma 5000an yen alias 50 USD ga mungkin barang ane kena duty. Biasa ane pesan barang 6000-7000 yen aja ga kena duty. Terus ane tanya lagi, itu 200.000 biaya apaan. Kurirnya cuma jawab itu bukan duty, tapi biaya HANDLING.
Nah sontak ane nolak buat bayar tuh biaya siluman, biaya handling apaan 200rebo. Barang bukan barang yg di larang ama cukai indo kok, nominalnya jg ngepas di 50 usd.
Akhirnya ane bilang "Apa-apaan ini biaya handling, uda berpuluh-puluh kali terima barang, baru kali ini ditagih handling charge, ga usah dikirim dah kalo gitu. Balikin ke Jepang aja"
Terus kurirnya bilang suruh telpon ke cust. servisnya DHL aja buat penjelasan handling charge, sedangkan barangnya dibawa balik ke warehouse DHL oleh kurirnya.
Abis itu ane langsung telpon cust servicenya, ane protes soal handling charge yg ga jelas asal-usulnya dari mana.
Cust servicenya jawab "Kiriman ibu kan compact disc, nah menurut peraturan bea cukai compact disc itu emang kena handling charge bu."
Ane langsung cengok denger tuh jawaban. SEJAK KAPAN CD 2 keping itu kalo dikeluarin dr bea cukai mesti kena handling charge? Ane kirim pake EMS, DHL, Fedex sblmnya ga pernah kena masalah kalo beli cd cm 2 keping. Apalagi barang ga kena duty ama ga kena apa-apa. Tapi malah di charge Handling Charge sepihak ama DHL.

Akhirnya ane jawabin lagi," Klo handling Charge itu uda ane bayar pas beli barang di amazon nya. Kan pas beli di amazon itu uda tertagih Shipping & Handling Charge = 2000 yen. Kenapa ditagih handling charge lagi di Indonesia? Ga masuk akal donk kalo gini. Masa handling charge dibayar dua kali?"
Akhirnya CS itu minta ane forwardin invoice dr amazon yg isinya ada keterangan harga barang dan "Shipping & Handling Chargenya"
Akhirnya ane kirim dah ke alamat email cs yg angkat telpon ane saat itu.

Isi email ane :
Ini bukti invoice untuk keberatan mengenai pembiayaan handling fee.
Karna disana tertulis 5880yen sudah termasuk Shipping and Handling fee.
Attachment berupa invoice dalam bahasa Inggris, sedangkain email forward-an invoice menggunakan bahasa jepang
Barang berupa 2 buah CD dari amazon Jepang
Terima kasih.
Tolong cepat diproses.

Lalu dibalas ama CS nya :

Dear Ibu XXX

Terima kasih atas emailnya, bisa saya diprovide no hp ibu yang bisa dihubungi oleh agent saya?

Terima kasih

Terus ane kasih no hp, berharap bakal ditelponin ama agennya malam itu. Soalnya CS nya bilang akan ditelpon 1 jam kemudian. Ane tunggu ampe tengah malem juga ga ditelponin. Ane cm bisa menghela nafas dalem-dalem. Walau ane ga puasa tetep aja kasian juga klo marah-marahin org. Apalagi org yg ditelponin lagi menjalani ibadah puasa kan.

Stelah itu akhirnya ane memutuskan untuk menghubungi amazon jepang, buat protes tindakan DHL yang seenak jidat membebankan biaya handling ke ane.
Isi email ane, ane protes kenapa ini DHL biayain handling charge buat paketan yang ga ada masalah skali bahkan kena duty juga nggak. Isi emailnya :

I bought 2 cds on June 28th
It stated 5800 yen including shipping and HANDLING fee
However the shipping company, DHL charge me again IDR 200.000 for HANDLING FEE which i paid before . They said it was for handling fee not for duty fee. Because 5880yen item are not eligible for being charged for duty/custom fee.
So I refuse and definitely dont want to pay twice for handling fee.
I bought from amazon tor more than 20 times, and this is the first time i'm being charged for Handling fee which I found kind if rudiculous.
Hope you can resolve this problem.
Thank you,
Should any further information, kindly to contact me back

Eh si amazon jawabnya kayak gini :

Thank you for contacting us at

I've checked your order and found that the item your order was sold by Amazon marketplace seller.

Generally, "Import fee deposit" apply to the item sold by In that case, you do not need to pay any extra fee when you receive the order.

However, as for this order, we are afraid but, you need to pay additional fee because "Import fee deposit" didn't apply to it.

For more information about "Import fee deposit" and "Customs, Duties & Taxes", please refer to our English help page via URL below;

about "Import fee deposit"

about "Customs, Duties & Taxes"

We are very sorry for your confusion and inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding.

If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

Ane cuma bisa =_____=
Ini amazonnya odong atau gimana.. Ini yang di ane masalahin kan charge buat handling, bukan Duty. Akhirnya ane balas begini :

If they said it was a duty or import fee it was acceptable. However they said it was for HANDLING FEE. In the invoice 2000 yen was including SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEE.
And the reason are really ridicilous,
"Because it was a compact disc, so it'll charged for handling fee."
I bought before from amazon marketplace. And there wad several i time i paid for DUTY FEE.
But This is a first time I was being charged for HANDLING FEE not Import or Duty or Tax Fee.
Furthermore I refused to pay.. because that means I paid twice for HANDLING FEE

Thank you.

Di jawab lagi ama amazon :

Thank you for writing to

First, please allow me to apologize for the delay in responding to your Email. Please be assured that all of us here are working for you to provide our best service as much as we can.

Regarding to your inquiry, you don't need to pay for the extra 2000 yen if it is same as shipping and handling fee because the amount 2000 yen was already included in the charge, 5800 yen.

Thank you for letting us know it. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us at any time, again.
We are always glad to support you.

Thank you for choosing We look forward to serving you again soon.

Bah! Dy kira ane disuruh bayar shipping fee lagi yang 2000 yen OTL
Kagak ngerti-ngerti itu amazon kalo ane itu di chargenya 200.000 buat handling doank.. Ane bukan di charge ulang shipping ama handling yang uda ane bayar pas beli barang di amazon.
Akhirnya ane jelasin ke dy , ane bukan dikenain biaya shipping 2 kali, tapi biaya handling yg ga jelas :

Isi email balasan ane :
It's not same exactly 2000 yen. It was IDR 200.000 (appx 1800 yen)
It stated IDR 200.000 for Handling fee only.
And the shipping company, DHL keep asking me to pay the handling fee.
Can you inform the shipping company (DHL) about this?

Thank you

Dibales lagi ama amazon :

Thank you for writing to us at

Please let me apologize for the inconvenience by the payment on your order.

In order to check the situation, I requested DHL to investigate into which fee they are asking for. We'll let you know about the investigation result via e-mail when it is completed. Please note that it may take a few days for the investigation to be finished. We're sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

If you have any further question, please let us know about that.
Thank you for choosing

Ane uda males banget rasanya ngurus beginian. Bukan gara-gara 200.000 nya. Tapi ane ga terima DHL main suruh customer biaya yg ga jelas asal usulnya dari mana. Di website DHL ane cari tentang handling charge juga ga ada.

Keesokan harinya DHL ga telpon-telpon juga sampai agak sore DHL ga telpon ane, melainkan email yang isinya kayak gini :

Selamat siang.

Terima kasih atas emailnya.

Berikut ini kami berikan penjelasan mengenai shipment Ibu dengan AWB XXXXXXXXX.

Ada perbedaan dari handling charge yang dimaksud oleh pihak pengirim di receipt yang dikirimkan mereka dengan handling charge yang ditagihkan untuk shipment ini.

Sebagai informasi Ibu, pengiriman CD ke Indonesia dibatasi oleh pihak bea cukai untuk pengirimannya:

- kiriman berupa CD atau DVD (non movie) yang membutuhkan ijin IT Cakram untuk cnee company dengan jumlah maksimal 10 keping

- kiriman berupa CD atau DVD (non movie) yang membutuhkan ijin IT Cakram untuk cnee personal dengan batasan berat di bawah 5 kg

Untuk pengiriman ini, dikarenakan shipment Ibu masih dibawah limit yang ditentukan oleh Bea Cukai (2 keping CD), shipment masih bisa kami bantu untuk proses pengeluaran barangnya dengan ketentuan shipment akan ditagihkan biaya handling charge sebesar IDR 200,000, di mana proses ini legal dan diketahui oleh Negara.

Sedangkan, untuk handling charge yang ditagihkan oleh pihak pengirim di purchase order terlampir, tidak berkaitan dengan handling charge yang kami maksud di atas.

Namun sayang sekali kami hanya dapat menagihkan kepada shipper jika payment berupa duty & tax dan untuk handling charge tersebut di atas hanya dapat dibayarkan tunai saat pengantaran.

Demikian penjelasan dari kami, semoga penjelasan di atas dapat dimengerti.

Kami akan menunggu konfirmasi dari Ibu untuk pembayaran handling charge ini, paket akan kami hold di service center dalam kurun waktu 90 hari sejak shipment di pick up dari pengirim.

Asli pas baca tuh email ane cuma bisa ngakak, ketauan banget ini DHL ngeles soal itu biaya.
Pertama , dy ngaku kalo barang ane itu masih dibawah limitnya bea cukai, jadi bea cukai tuh nggak mungkin kenain biaya apapun untuk barang ane.
Kedua, DHL secara ga langsung bilang kalo 200.000 itu adalah ongkos ngurus barang keluar dari cukai. Ongkos ngurus? Barang ga kena masalah atau cukai kok diurus ? Apanya yg diurus?
Jadi uda ketauan banget nih kalo 200rebu itu biaya ngaco yang DHL bebanin seenak jidat dy.

Ane bales begini ke DHL nya :

Saya uda berkali-kali beli barang dan dikirim melalui DHL.
Baru kali 2 buah jeping CD dikenakan Handling Charge.
Sebelumnya 3 keping pun tidak dikenakan Handling Charge.
Diketahui negara? Legal? Saya minta bukti kelegalitasnya.
Kasi sini bu undang-undangnya atau nomor aturannya.
Kalau gak saya menolak membayar.
Fedex aja handling charge cuma 50.000
Itupun handling charge cuma dikenakan kalau barang terkena duty.
Ini ga kena duty, dari mana ada handling charge.
Ibu kirim dulu undang-undang, peraturan atau apalah yang merupakan pernyataan tertulis tentang keajiban seorang penerima untuk membayar handling charge untuk barang yang tidak melanggar aturan pabean dan yang tidak terkena duty.
Jelaskan asal usulnya darimana.
Jangan cuma kertas putih kosong lambang DHL tulisannya handling charge.
Ini jelas-jelas biaya yang ditagihkan oleh DHL secara sepihak tanpa dasar yang jelas. Bukan dari bea cukainya.
Kalau dari bea cukainya pasti ada slip bea cukainya yang ada tulisan bukti bahwa uang masuk dalam kas negara.
Kalau ini kan cuma biaya yang secara sepihak dibebankan oleh DHL.
Apa ini cara DHL mencari keuntungan?
Saya dangat kecewa dengan sikap DHL Indonesianyang seenaknya mengenakan Handling charge seenaknya.
Saya berpuluh'puluh kali menggunakan jasa DHL.
Ini pertama kalinya saya dikenakan biaya yang tidak jelas asa-usulnya . Biaya yang tidak ada dasar hukum atau kelegalitasnya.
Saya sudah sering menghadap bea cukai, baik yang dipasar baru maupun yang di bandara Soetta. Saya sudah hafal smua pasal2 per bea cukaian. Dari bea masuk sampai pajak PPnBm ,dll. Tidak ada istilah handling charge atau pun apalah untuk barang yang BEBAS DUTY.
Saya akan mengabarkan pihak amazon Jepang kalau DHL Indonesia membebankan biaya yang tidak semestinya di bebankan kepada penerima.

Nah sambil nunggu balasan dari DHL, ane telpon lagi DHL nya nanya Handling fee itru di bebankan atas dasar apa. Mereka cuma bisa jawab itu ketentuan dari DHL dan bea Cukai dan Itu diketahui oleh negara. Tapi mereka ga bisa kasih bukti atau aturan tertulisnya tentang peraturan itu. Dan mereka meyakinkan ane klo barang ane emang ga kena duty, tapi kena handling charge. Ane tambah lama tambah kesel ama tuh cust. service, jadi ane matiin aja telponnya sambil nunggu DHL atau Amazon bales email ane.
Ga lama tiba2 amazon Jepang bales email ane. Isinya begini :

Greetings from

Please allow me to apologize for taking time to complete an investigation about charges and thank you for providing a bill.

According to the report from DHL, we found that the charge of IDR 200.000 was a custom fee for the items. In order to receive a package, you require to pay the above fee when it is delivered.

For your reference, the custom fee is collected by the carrier. If you'd like to receive a package, please contact DHL directly to pay it, and also contact us by replying to this e-mail. We'll also contact DHL for you.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Please feel free to contact us again if you have further questions or concerns.

ANE kayaknya mau banting meja ama bangku yg ada didepan ane. Ini Customer Service nya begokkk atau gimana.. Dibilang berkali-kali ini tuh handling charge bukan DUTY. Barang ane ga kena DUTY =____=
Ane uda kirimin slip dhl yang isi tulisannya itu "HANDLING CHARGE = 200.000"

Ane forward dah email DHL ke ane sblmnya ke amazon beserta pembelaan ane ke amazon :
(Yang warna biru itu email DHL yang uda ane translate ke Inggris trus ane forward ke DHL, bawahnya penjelasan ane ke amazon)

Thank you for your email.

Here we provide a description of the shipment with AWB 3455897244.

There is a difference of handling charge is meant by the sender in their receipts sent to the handling charge is charged for this shipment.

As Mrs. information, shipping CDs to Indonesia are limited by the customs for delivery:

- Submissions in the form of a CD or DVD (non-movie) discs that require permission to cnee IT company with a maximum number of 10 pieces

- Submissions in the form of a CD or DVD (non-movie) which requires permits IT to cnee personal discs with weight limits less than 5 kg

For this delivery, shipment is still below the limit prescribed by the Customs (2 CDs), shipment we can still help to process the provision of expenditure will be charged the cost of shipment handling charge of 200,000, which is a legal process and are known by state.

Meanwhile, for the handling charge is charged by the sender in the purchase order attached, is not related to the handling charge that we mean above.

Unfortunately we can only billed to the shipper when payment in the form of duty and tax and handling charge for the above can only be paid in cash when the delivery.

Thus explanation from us, hopefully the above explanation is understandable.

We will wait for confirmation of the mother for the payment handling charge, we will hold the package at the service center within 90 days of the shipment at a pick up from the sender.

Thank you,
Best Regards,
Elza Y Rezkiani (Echa)
Tracing Advisor
Phone: +62- (21) -7917-3333 / 0800-1-333-333 s
Fax: +62- (21) -7919-6688

5880 YEN is considering are not eligible to being charged by duty TAX

Here's the official statement from Indonesian Custom :


Consignment goods with maximum value of FOB USD 50, 00 (fifty US Dollar) for every person per shipment is granted exemption of import duty and import related taxes.
If the customs value exceedsUSD 50,00, the excess shall be subject to import duty and import related taxes

I bought item from Amazon Japan Marketplace before
It was 6850 Yen. I did not pay for duty fee.
It was not eligible for duty tax. So I believe Indonesia Custom did not charge an item around $50-60
It was ridiculous if DHL said it was a duty to you while my previous order which has a total more were eligible for duty free.

ALSO my shipment is definitely free for custom charge.
The DHL Customer Service says so, TWICE. Do I need to record the conversation between me and the DHL Customer Service and send it to you in order you to believe IT WAS NOT A DUTY CHARGE?
It just HANDLING CHARGE which come from nowhere or maybe from DHL to got more money .
I believe it was not a illegal charge,
because whenever I ask for a proof if it was a duty fee (i asked for an official invoice from Indonesian Custom , they said they don't have it, because It's not a duty charge, It just handling charge)

They said it was a different handling charge from what you'd charged to me while making a purchase.
How can it be happened? How can there's a two different handling charge from same shipment?
Also i bought many times from amazon, and this is the first I was being charged for handling fee twice not mention this was a handling charge which come from nowhere without a basis and without a legal or official statement written on dhl or Indonesian Official site.
Just a mere simple pain paper , stated "HANDLING CHARGE"

And if it was really a duty, they won't write it as a HANDLING but DUTY/CUSTOM CHARGE.

Also I called them twice to confirm whether it was a custom fee or not., They answered me it was not a Duty fee, it was a handling charge.
Since when for an item without no problem and did not violate any rules at all being charged for Handling fee?

I do mind to pay since I know my item did not eligible to being charge for duty fee also I know my item did not violate any rules written on Indonesia Custom Official website.

I REALLY Disappointed with Indonesia DHL who arbitrarily charge a customer self proclaimed handling charge without any law-written basis.
I also VERY DISAPPOINTED with Amazon which in my thought did not really have much afford to help me in this case. and let Indonesia DHL do charge a customer with any fee as they wish.

I still wait for Amazon to help me to stop Indonesia DHL for being so careless to find any excuse to earn more money.

Thank you

Dijawab lagi ama amazon :

\Greetings from

First of all, we confirm that you have sent us tee e-mails, so please let me answer your inquiries in this e-mail.

First, please allow me to extend a sincere apology for any frustration this matter has caused. I

Please let me correct my answer since I have replied to you using the wrong word.

According to the report from DHL, the charge of the charge of IDR 200.000 was not a Duty fees. It was a handling fee which needs to pay to the carrier when the package arrived.

Please note that orders shipped outside of Japan may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and handling fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to such import taxes, customs duties and handling fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches the recipient's country.

If you have any further question, please let us know about that.

Jadi tadi customer service nya salah ketik, gelo banget.. Tapi tetep aja intinya amazon lepas tanggung jawab, dan suruh bayar itu handling fee yg ga jelas ke DHL.

Bersambung dipost berikutnya :>
Diubah oleh reyn92 04-07-2014 10:37
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