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Air Jordan XXII
Asal-usul Kalimat "Keep Calm and bla bla bla"

Spoiler for "Nothing is called Repost":

Satu kalimat di atas pasti sudah nggak asing lagi kan di telinga kita? Yap, kata-kata yang sering muncul dalam berbagai desain kaos, mug, sampai ke poster-poster ini memang sudah merajalela ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Bahkan seiring dengan berkembangnya kreativitas, banyak sekali variasi kata-kata yang tertera, bukan hanya sekedar tulisan CARRY ON aja, melainkan juga seperti KEEP CALM AND GO SHOPPING, KEEP CALM AND MAKE HISTORY, sampai KEEP CALM AND WRITE ON.

Belakangan ini, industri kreatif Indonesia juga lagi nggak mau kalah. Kata-kata yang sedikit “dipermak” kayak, KEEP KALEM DIKIT LAGI JADI SARJANA (Yeah mahasiswa) mulai bermunculan dan banyak menarik minat para pemburu gelar (baca: mahasiswa). Tapi, tahu nggak, sih, kalian sejarah dari munculnya satu frasa fenomenal KEEP CALM itu?

Dikutip dari situs resminya,, sejarah dari berkembangnya tulisan ini ternyata cukup panjang dan nggak main-main. Bermula pada masa Perang Dunia II di Inggris, pemerintah Inggris mendesain poster ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran moral para rakyatnya. Makanya, di atas tulisan KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON ini biasanya diberi simbol mahkota, hal ini sebagai simbolisasi atas kekuasaan Raja George VI yang memerintah pada tahun 1936-1952.

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON sendiri secara sederhana berarti, “jangan panik”. Frase ini ada untuk mengingatkan rakyat Inggris untuk tetap mengontrol diri dan tidak terhasut oleh situasi perang dunia II dan invasi NAZI di Inggris yang tidak menguntungkan. Meski singkat, tetapi makna dari frase ini sangat padat dan menggambarkan situasi yang sedang terjadi.

Poster aslinya:

Sedihnya, kebanyakan dari poster-poster yang dipajang di tempat umum harus berakhir di dengan tercabik-cabik karena situasi perang yang semakin memanas. Nah, barulah pada beberapa puluh tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada tahun 2000, peninggalan poster yang masih utuh ini dapat diketemukan. Dan situs resmi memegang salah satu poster asli yang datang dari masa perang tersebut, hingga sampai saat ini mereka memproduksi replikanya.


Keep Calm and Carry On was a propaganda poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of a Nazi invasion of Great Britain. It had only limited distribution with no public display, and thus was little known. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private companies and used as the decorative theme for a range of products. It was believed there were only two known surviving examples of the poster outside government archives[1] until a collection of 15 originals was brought in to the Antiques Roadshow in 2012 by the daughter of an ex-Royal Observer Corps member.[2]

Spoiler for "Hitler in Britain":

The poster was initially produced by the Ministry of Information,[3] at the beginning of the Second World War. It was intended to be distributed in order to strengthen morale in the event of a wartime disaster. Over 2,500,000 copies were printed, although the poster was distributed only in limited numbers, and never saw public display.[4]
The poster was third in a series of three. The previous two posters from the series, "Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might" (400,000 printed) and "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory" (800,000 printed) were issued and used across the country for motivational purposes, as the Ministry of Information assumed that the events of the first weeks of the war would demoralise the population.[5] Planning for the posters started in April 1939; by June designs were prepared, and by August 1939, they were on their way to the printers, to be placed up within 24 hours of the outbreak of war. The posters were designed to have a uniform device, be a design associated with the Ministry of Information, and have a unique and recognisable lettering, with a message from the King to his people. An icon of a "Tudor" crown was chosen to head the poster, rather than a photograph. The slogans were created by civil servants, with a career civil servant named Waterfield coming up with "Your Courage" as "a rallying war-cry that will bring out the best in everyone of us and put us in an offensive mood at once". These particular posters were designed as "a statement of the duty of the individual citizen", un-pictorial, to be accompanied by more colloquial designs. The "Your Courage" poster was much more famous during the war, as it was the first of the Ministry of Information's posters.[6]


Menkominfo Inggris saat itu kreatif sekali ya.
Coba menkominfo kita kayak gitu

Spoiler for "Pelesetan":
Diubah oleh Air Jordan XXII 12-01-2013 13:39
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